Monday, October 6, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Seven

Well, here I am on Day Seven….I did not do this this traditional way, but more my own interpretive version. Less stress that way and more time for reflection.

1) I am so grateful for Love

I truly believe all roads have led me here and for that reason I have a three folks I would like to thank: ...

My Grey Flannel man (yep, going to use a code name if only to make him smile and to make me feel 15 again). In one of my more serious conversations with my eldest, I told him that I wished him a first love that was worthy of him. Your first love not only builds the foundation by which all others will rest upon. They set the standard for respect, connectness, intimacy, trust, honesty and so much more. I was so lucky - to have had someone simply amazing in my life. I am a better person for having been loved by him and he did set the standard by which every other was evaluated. Thank you GFM. Xo - MG

Yikes!! It’s hard to follow that, but I did say he set the standard. The other two that I want to thank are Curt and Chris – but not going to say anything except I am grateful for both (they know why) and so glad they are still in my life.

2) I am so grateful to Shelly and Brooke

For those of you who don’t know the “love story”, my sister (Shelly) is responsible for introducing me to my partner of 20+ years. She along with his father (Brooke), schemed - a picture of me passed hands - resulting in a phone call. But, I was not looking for love, and again my sister intervened…this time calling 9-1-1 (yep, it’s a crazy story to be shared over wine or whiskey) to jump start what she had started. And jump start she did. Whirlwind romance ensued. First house, got married, first baby, second baby, another house, third baby…whew!

Marriage isn’t easy (not that I thought it would be) and our love story has had its share of peaks and valleys, but tremendously grateful I am for both.

So thankful to be deeply loved by someone who is strong, passionate, funny, compassionate, stubborn, smart, courageous and, oh! has a higher credit rating than I do.

So grateful that I found someone who… • Eats all the meat out of the Chinese food, leaving the veggies for me. Joy!! • Gave me a card and a plant on the second date (I still think that is soooo cute!). • Ordered a fireman license plate ‘cause I am his "ReaGrl". • Puts Pride and Prejudice on for me • Dislikes cats, but bought me cat after cat because I love cats (and dogs, and chickens and ….). • Fills my stocking every Christmas with red vines, yogurt raisins and spearmint gum because he knows me. • Makes lists of “dream projects” so that one by one we can cross them off together. • Endures Lost with me (actually I am not grateful for this) • Shares the joys, pains, loves, losses of life with me. I could go on and on…

When the aliens haven’t kidnapped him and the Gemini hasn’t taken possession of me, we make for a great couple – or maybe we make a great couple because we persevere? In any event, thank you Shelly and Brooke for introducing me to Bruce. I am eternally grateful.

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