Saturday, October 4, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Five

1) I am so grateful for my furry friends

Over the course of my life I have had sea monkeys, ants, fish, crawdads (thanks Randy), tortoise, turtles, rats, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, dogs, parakeets, doves, chickens …. Hmmm what am I missing?

CATS!! (oooohhhh, and in the future, a ferret, rabbit and chinchilla, but back to CATSSS!!!!

“Crazy cat lady” Go ahead, call me what you will, but there is a special bond between me and my feline roommates. Jade, Bailey, Tabitha and Lucian – trusted companions. So grateful to them. Add Knight, Yosarrian, Este, Ailbe, Lyra and Uisce and my heart is full.

2) I am so grateful for my “cat friends”

Just as there is a special bond between me and my feline roommates there is a special bond between my crazy cat friends and our Ounce family.

I am very grateful for my wonderful mentor, Canie, who was introduced to me my no other than the simply amazing Donnette (my first cat friend). I am appreciative for Beth and Lori for their friendship. Cory for always offering a beer (cheers!). Jess for loving her cats more than anyone I know. Jon for his knowledge and huge heart. And, Robyn, who started as a “cat friend” but is one of my truly best friends. These co-crazy cat people have brought so much joy in my life. We have laughed, cried and shared a lot of cat pictures. Lol. Thank you friends.

I am equally as grateful for the parents of every kitten born from Ounce. We have been so blessed to find the most wonderful parents who love these kittens endlessly. I am so grateful for the sharing through the pictures, the stories and watching through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social mediums. You, Ounce Parents, I am so grateful for.

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