Friday, October 3, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Four

1) I am so grateful for my work

I started with I am so grateful to be employed. But “employed” doesn’t really cut it…
I am grateful to work for a company that each and every day I can make a difference at. Not just for me, but for shareholders and for the customer.
I believe I am doing work that is building a life of success and significance. There is not another job I would like to be doing or another company that I would want to do it for. Now, I will say this current role will not sustain me. I know that about myself. But I am so lucky to work for a company that when I am ready, there will be another job – just for me.
Steve Jobs said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
I believe in great work. I know to do great work you have to love what you do. I love what I do.
The investment in me has been so tremendous , which leads me to number two on the gratitude list for today.

2) I am grateful to be surrounded by superstars at work
Some of the greatest friends I have I have met through work.
Brilliant thinkers, strategic allies, credible challengers….my twenty years have been filled by amazing people who have inspired, motivated and stretched me to new thinking and ideals not to mention new skillsets and opportunities.
Also the superstars that I have been privilieged to manage. Again, superstars who are so passionate day to day about doing the right thing for our customers. So motivational... br> I intentionally am not going to name names here (because you all know who you are), except these two whose role in my career made such an impact in my work life. I will be forever grateful. Marc M – For seeing the potential in a young professional. For saying, “I will train you” and meaning it. For allowing me to fail, to fall, to get up, to succeed. For believing in me and my potential, before I believed in myself.
Victor N – When Walter told me I was going to be Victor’s Chief of Staff, I was completely shocked. My first reaction, was “not going to do it”. After my first conversation with Victor, I was hooked. I mention above that I wouldn’t work anywhere else, well I lie…. If Victor called me up tomorrow and asked me to work for him I would without a second thought. Victor is brilliant. During my year learning under his leadership, there wasn’t a problem he couldn’t solve. There wasn’t anything he would ask his team that he wouldn’t do. He was honest, authentic and full of integrity. He is a true leader. Not only did his behavior trickle down into the work environment, but I noticed our culture rising through hard work, showing gratitude and pursuit of the noble goal. I haven’t fully recovered from his departure and I am still hoping (every wishbone!) that he will return.

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