Monday, October 6, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Seven

Well, here I am on Day Seven….I did not do this this traditional way, but more my own interpretive version. Less stress that way and more time for reflection.

1) I am so grateful for Love

I truly believe all roads have led me here and for that reason I have a three folks I would like to thank: ...

My Grey Flannel man (yep, going to use a code name if only to make him smile and to make me feel 15 again). In one of my more serious conversations with my eldest, I told him that I wished him a first love that was worthy of him. Your first love not only builds the foundation by which all others will rest upon. They set the standard for respect, connectness, intimacy, trust, honesty and so much more. I was so lucky - to have had someone simply amazing in my life. I am a better person for having been loved by him and he did set the standard by which every other was evaluated. Thank you GFM. Xo - MG

Yikes!! It’s hard to follow that, but I did say he set the standard. The other two that I want to thank are Curt and Chris – but not going to say anything except I am grateful for both (they know why) and so glad they are still in my life.

2) I am so grateful to Shelly and Brooke

For those of you who don’t know the “love story”, my sister (Shelly) is responsible for introducing me to my partner of 20+ years. She along with his father (Brooke), schemed - a picture of me passed hands - resulting in a phone call. But, I was not looking for love, and again my sister intervened…this time calling 9-1-1 (yep, it’s a crazy story to be shared over wine or whiskey) to jump start what she had started. And jump start she did. Whirlwind romance ensued. First house, got married, first baby, second baby, another house, third baby…whew!

Marriage isn’t easy (not that I thought it would be) and our love story has had its share of peaks and valleys, but tremendously grateful I am for both.

So thankful to be deeply loved by someone who is strong, passionate, funny, compassionate, stubborn, smart, courageous and, oh! has a higher credit rating than I do.

So grateful that I found someone who… • Eats all the meat out of the Chinese food, leaving the veggies for me. Joy!! • Gave me a card and a plant on the second date (I still think that is soooo cute!). • Ordered a fireman license plate ‘cause I am his "ReaGrl". • Puts Pride and Prejudice on for me • Dislikes cats, but bought me cat after cat because I love cats (and dogs, and chickens and ….). • Fills my stocking every Christmas with red vines, yogurt raisins and spearmint gum because he knows me. • Makes lists of “dream projects” so that one by one we can cross them off together. • Endures Lost with me (actually I am not grateful for this) • Shares the joys, pains, loves, losses of life with me. I could go on and on…

When the aliens haven’t kidnapped him and the Gemini hasn’t taken possession of me, we make for a great couple – or maybe we make a great couple because we persevere? In any event, thank you Shelly and Brooke for introducing me to Bruce. I am eternally grateful.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Six

1) I am so grateful for laughter (and tears)

I cannot imagine a life without laughter. It is well documented that there is a correlations between laughter and health. Laughter can lighten the hardest of conversations. And, it sounds odd just typing it, but crying allows one to release and then move on. Both laughter and tears have been good friends through the years. They have helped to attract great people in my life which have led to some amazing positive experiences.

2) I am so grateful for Charming Gardeners

Marcel Prost said, “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Over the course of my life, I have been blessed with many acquaintances, but only a handful of charming gardeners. Brilliant and beautiful. Intelligent and witty. Courageous and strong. Loyal and Compassionate. Enough of what they are…now who they are……. Evangelia, Jenny, Vince, Chrissy, Tracey, Nicole, Marnie, Laura, and Robyn.

Thank you for adding meaning, joy, love and hope to my life. For being a solid shoulder during the most difficult of times and for laughing with me, at me and at yourselves at all times.

They say life is only as good as the people you get to share it with. Must be true because my life is SOOOOO good. I am so incredibly blessed to have you in my life.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Five

1) I am so grateful for my furry friends

Over the course of my life I have had sea monkeys, ants, fish, crawdads (thanks Randy), tortoise, turtles, rats, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, dogs, parakeets, doves, chickens …. Hmmm what am I missing?

CATS!! (oooohhhh, and in the future, a ferret, rabbit and chinchilla, but back to CATSSS!!!!

“Crazy cat lady” Go ahead, call me what you will, but there is a special bond between me and my feline roommates. Jade, Bailey, Tabitha and Lucian – trusted companions. So grateful to them. Add Knight, Yosarrian, Este, Ailbe, Lyra and Uisce and my heart is full.

2) I am so grateful for my “cat friends”

Just as there is a special bond between me and my feline roommates there is a special bond between my crazy cat friends and our Ounce family.

I am very grateful for my wonderful mentor, Canie, who was introduced to me my no other than the simply amazing Donnette (my first cat friend). I am appreciative for Beth and Lori for their friendship. Cory for always offering a beer (cheers!). Jess for loving her cats more than anyone I know. Jon for his knowledge and huge heart. And, Robyn, who started as a “cat friend” but is one of my truly best friends. These co-crazy cat people have brought so much joy in my life. We have laughed, cried and shared a lot of cat pictures. Lol. Thank you friends.

I am equally as grateful for the parents of every kitten born from Ounce. We have been so blessed to find the most wonderful parents who love these kittens endlessly. I am so grateful for the sharing through the pictures, the stories and watching through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social mediums. You, Ounce Parents, I am so grateful for.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Four

1) I am so grateful for my work

I started with I am so grateful to be employed. But “employed” doesn’t really cut it…
I am grateful to work for a company that each and every day I can make a difference at. Not just for me, but for shareholders and for the customer.
I believe I am doing work that is building a life of success and significance. There is not another job I would like to be doing or another company that I would want to do it for. Now, I will say this current role will not sustain me. I know that about myself. But I am so lucky to work for a company that when I am ready, there will be another job – just for me.
Steve Jobs said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
I believe in great work. I know to do great work you have to love what you do. I love what I do.
The investment in me has been so tremendous , which leads me to number two on the gratitude list for today.

2) I am grateful to be surrounded by superstars at work
Some of the greatest friends I have I have met through work.
Brilliant thinkers, strategic allies, credible challengers….my twenty years have been filled by amazing people who have inspired, motivated and stretched me to new thinking and ideals not to mention new skillsets and opportunities.
Also the superstars that I have been privilieged to manage. Again, superstars who are so passionate day to day about doing the right thing for our customers. So motivational... br> I intentionally am not going to name names here (because you all know who you are), except these two whose role in my career made such an impact in my work life. I will be forever grateful. Marc M – For seeing the potential in a young professional. For saying, “I will train you” and meaning it. For allowing me to fail, to fall, to get up, to succeed. For believing in me and my potential, before I believed in myself.
Victor N – When Walter told me I was going to be Victor’s Chief of Staff, I was completely shocked. My first reaction, was “not going to do it”. After my first conversation with Victor, I was hooked. I mention above that I wouldn’t work anywhere else, well I lie…. If Victor called me up tomorrow and asked me to work for him I would without a second thought. Victor is brilliant. During my year learning under his leadership, there wasn’t a problem he couldn’t solve. There wasn’t anything he would ask his team that he wouldn’t do. He was honest, authentic and full of integrity. He is a true leader. Not only did his behavior trickle down into the work environment, but I noticed our culture rising through hard work, showing gratitude and pursuit of the noble goal. I haven’t fully recovered from his departure and I am still hoping (every wishbone!) that he will return.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gratitude Challenge – Day Three, Part Deux

2) I am grateful to be an American

Lee Greenwood sings a song about his pride in America, he says, “if tomorrow all the things were gone, I’d work for all my life and had to start again with just my children and my wife. I’d thank my lucky stars, to be living here today. ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away. And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me and I would gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ‘cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land. God bless the USA.”

I love driving down my street and seeing the flags wave in the breeze. It reminds me each and every day how truly grateful I am to be an American.
As I watch Scotland’s YES Campaign and Hong Kong’s desire for democracy, I am reminded how great it is to live in a country that is so passionate about their people and our freedom.

I truly believe we are better united than separate. And how glorious it is when Americans come together whether it be to fight or mourn or celebrate. We as a people are unstoppable when united with a noble goal.

I am appreciative of individuals who speak up for what they believe. Doesn’t matter what party, just matters that they are passionate enough about America to want to be the change.

When I have felt the leaders of our country have swayed too far left or right, I always find solace in the Declaration of Independence that binds us starting with “We the People”. I find joy in the Bill of Rights and the amendments that were added to prevent misuse of power.

I am thankful that I am living the American Dream where I can work hard and be rewarded.

I am in awe that America continues to be a melting pot where every person and each family can come and live and bring their unique viewpoints and traditions.

I could go on and on …. But I will end with my appreciation of those that serve or served in our armed forces. Their sacrifice for country is so selfless that it reinforces my love for this great country of ours.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Gratitude Challenge - Day Three

Joel Osteen says in Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential that “One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we become ungrateful...we let what was once a miracle becomes common to us. We get so accustomed to His goodness it becomes a routine.”

1) I am truly grateful to God.

...I am so grateful to God.
For life,
For salvation,
For sending His son,
For daily blessings,
Yep, for trials (building my character, building my character),
For the greatest commandment and
For the Bible.

I am grateful He led me to Bayside and then Bayside West > Life Community Church.

I am grateful He brought our church Rob McGee and Holly McGee

I am soooo grateful my sons found God through the youth ministry under the direction of Paul Spangler (who we miss dearly, but know he is fulfilling his purpose and His purpose).

Grateful He is sooooo darn persistent and called me back into Children’s Ministry (which makes me grateful for Mark, Connie and Margeret).

Grateful that He still wasn’t done with me and called me back to do The Journey again (which makes me grateful not only for the wonderful kids and parents, but the rock star teachers: for Marty Walters, Mary Klontz Shisler, Candice Muirhead Bozzard, Bob and Tara Lusk).

So many blessings. I am humbled and so grateful for His glory in my life.

With God being such a big one – I will be posting Gratitude Challenge Day Three, part deux tomorrow.