Thursday, April 16, 2020

If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go? Part II

First, those of you who shared your answer to my question (If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go? ) Thank you. It is good to know that some of you spun on the question, as did I. But, I was impressed by many of you who just knew. Love the thinking behind the question.

If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?

I might open the door to Cannon Beach, Oregon June of 1974

Playing with my brother and sister on the beach while my mom watched from the deck of our beach house. Wave diving was our favorite and we would go out until our feet were touching and the waves were hitting our chest. We would let the waves carry us back to shore. My siblings were wanting to go out deeper and had told me to go back into shore.

My dad would tell us over and over not to ever turn our back on the ocean. So, I was hopping backwards and letting the waves hit me and bring me to shore.

I was watching my siblings wave dive – they were pretty far out - when a very large wave hit me. My sister must have sensed something because our eyes were locked as the wave hit and knocked me over. But the wave wasn’t alone, it carried with it a drift log. And, within seconds, I was pinned. Just like that.

I wouldn’t go through the door to prevent it from happening, but I would go through it at my current age to witness it, to fill in the gaps in my memory and to replace the blurry faces with real ones. The face of the crying woman who tried to keep my head above water. The faces of the three men and one woman who helped my mother pull the log off of me. And the faces of the two lifeguards who cleared my mouth of sand, wrapped my ribs and bandaged all the cuts.

I know my mom did over and over, but it would be nice to see if I said thank you to these strangers. I sure hope I did. But, if I didn’t at that moment, I know I have said thank you millions of times over the years.

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go? Part I

Question of the Week - If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?

This question was in a book I was reading this week and it really got my mind going.

I mean … what are the rules around this door to anywhere? For example:

  • Can I go in the past?

  • Can I go in the future?

  • When I step through the door, am I stuck there?
All very important when deciding (or overthinking a very simple questions).

So, friends, if you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?

I will tell you where I would go next Thursday (or Friday).

Wishing all who celebrate Passover and Easter a wonderful weekend celebrating!

Happy Thursday (and Friday)!


Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Goal is a Dream

In a class long, long ago, my professor said , “a goal is a dream set to paper.” I am not attributing him, because he candidly admitted that he was not the originator of that quote and also because that is the only good thing I got out of his class. J

That quote has been rewritten on every journal I have, to remind me to not just think goals, but to ink goals (see what I did there?).

As we look at this year, might we take advantage of our current isolation situation to learn more?

Online classes, reading, podcasts … so much opportunity and the situation is prime for it.

I encourage each of us to write down our goals and put them to action in our development plans.

Let’s grow our minds this year!

Happy Thursday (and Friday)!

Thursday, March 26, 2020


I am glad to hear that all are healthy and adhering to their state guidance regarding COVID 19. 


The stories of one person making a difference for another make my heart happy. Remember, one laugh can conquer gloom. One smile can change a mood. One six foot distance wave can show you care. Sharing hope can raise our spirits. If you are able, do what you can to make a difference to someone in need.

Last weekend, I finally got some quality time @ The Farm. Sharing some pictures, as we have a pair of resident Canadian Geese, George and Martha, who have nested on top of our archery range. Yep, not the brightest decision, but the archery range is now closed for the season. We are excited to see how many goslings are on the pond in 28+ days. And, my garden, was a mess. Many, many, many hours later, weeds be gone and a considerable amount of planting complete. I reported how slow I was walking on Monday, but excited this weekend to get back to the farm and finish planting. J

Top Row: Celery, Borage, Broccoli
Middle Row: Artichoke, Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts
Bottom Row: Lavender, Kale and Onions

Top Row: Martha on the nest. 
Bottom Row: George trying to become one with the grass. 

Happy Thursday,


Thursday, March 5, 2020

My boss asked me to attend a meeting as their proxy… HELP!

Has your manager ever asked you to sit in a meeting as their "proxy"?  Read on for some helpful tips on becoming a trusted back up … 

First, don’t panic. 

Step back and take in the compliment.  He or she feels confident that you can cover the topic and adequately represent you.  
Next, don’t let it go to your head.  You aren’t be asked to take his / her job and what you do before the call, during the call and after the call will determine if he/she asks you to do it again.

I recommend the following (in fact I do this everything I am asked to sit in for my boss, their boss or my peers):

Accept the meeting invite, adjust your calendar to accommodate, and alert organizer that you will be representing your boss/organization.
Miss the meeting because you have not ensured it is on your calendar or you did not confirm with organizer and were missed when an update was made.   
Ensure you have a basic understanding of the meeting.  If you do not, ask boss for a pre-meeting meeting.
Show up unprepared for the meeting.   Or treat the meeting like an afterthought.
If it isn’t in the calendar invite, it is acceptable to ask for the agenda from the organizer (or their administrative assistant) ahead of time.
Don’t demand an agenda.  If one doesn’t exist, you can ask about topics that will be discussed?  If a team member hadn’t done this in my past role, I wouldn’t mention this …
Show up to the meeting ON TIME both the bridge line, skype session or zoom.  If invited to a video conference, USE the video conference.   Be engaged and be taking active notes.
Don’t be multi-tasking. 
Follow others lead on whether you announce. If you do announce, ensure you include that you are representing bosses name/organization.
Make sure you are on mute when not talking.  Make sure your phone / headset are picking up your voice clearly.  Make sure you are at a location where dogs, kids, T-rexes, and zombies are not loud and distracting in the background. 
Make sure when you do talk that you do not cause an echo or that your mic isn’t too close to your mouth (Darth Vadar Syndrome).  Truth – Our CTO, VN, once stopped a call to pin point WHO was causing the echo on a bridge.  It wasn’t someone on my team, but it was SO embarrassing and the $$ it cost the bank due to that individual not being aware. 
Take in the meeting.  Ask sound questions.  And, remember, if you do not know the answer to a question or how your boss would answer that it is OKAY to say, I don’t know or I will get a response from my boss and back to you.
Do not use meeting for your own agenda.  Do not go down rabbit holes or bring your soapbox.  Seriously, an organizer once asked me not to send an FTE as my proxy because he was a distraction.  Yikes!!
Send boss your notes and observations immediately after the meeting.
Don’t wait until formal notes are published.  Giving them immediately allows action to be taken quickly and readies boss to respond to the formal notes / minutes.

I want to wrap up Thursday Thoughts with you thinking about BIG IDEAS.  Here are some quotes to get your brain uncaked:

  • Take out your brain and jump on it – it gets all caked up.  Mark Twain.
  • Contentment is the SMOTHER of invention.  Ethel Mumford
  • Big ideas are so hard to recognize, so fragile, so easy to kill.  Don’t forget that, all of you who don’t have them. – John Elliot, Jr.
  • New ideas are like loaves of bread.  They often emerge from the oven looking half-baked, homely and lumpy.  Give them a chance to rise.  Chic Thompson
  • Form a habit of saying YES to a good idea.  Then list all the reasons why it will work.  There will always be plenty of people to tell you why it won’t work.  – Gil Atkinson
Think BIG!  Get out of your way, uncake your brains and allow time for your ideas to RISE!



Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thoughts of My Dad

I hope everyone is enjoying the change in the weather. I was delighted to see our turtle, Squirtle, and bullfrog, Stump VIII, reemerge and be enjoying the pond.  And, the spring flowers are all blooming so my yard is full of daffodils, irises, freesia and tulips.

I would not be truthful if I did not share that my thoughts today are on my father.  In fact, it has been rough getting him out of my thoughts each and every day.  Because he is on my mind, I thought I would share two things with you all today.  The first, a poem he wrote entitled WIT and the second a photo collage. 

WIT by H. Larry Rea

I only hope when I’ve lost all and memories can’t be recalled
When flesh falls loose and ears grow hair and the top of head goes bald
When eyes see only distant blurs and you are so senile you can spit
I dearly want, Oh please don’t take away my Irish wit.

When tensions grip is loosed by white and yellow pills
White pleated cups filled with amber dew chase away all ills
When drippy tubes intravene and hypo’s come in kits
Let me laugh, yes roar out loud.  Oh please leave me my wit.

When diapers drape my bony hide and my tee shirt looks like a gown
When shirt arm holes disappear and me shorts are upside down
When eyebrows leap from my brow like weeks with no attend
Allow me to laugh at the irony that my legs won’t bend.

Let me cackle at toes that I couldn’t touch with a shepherd’s cane
And hair that holds it curl no more, but hangs like Shetland mane
Let me laugh and see the funny side of growing old and feeble
One last time, for Auld Lang Syne, I’ll joke for all the people.

And, when the final day had come and they carry me away
To some small church by Oceanside with a name like Depoe Bay
And when the last eulogy cries out that my like was too short
Let them hear from faraway one last, long, cackling retort.

With his memorial on March 13, we have been going through albums and I found the following photos of him that I just love.  

Top Row:  Dad’s Promotion, Dad and Mom in 1969, Dad and Mom in 2019
Middle Row:  Me and my Dad
Bottom Row:  Dad and Mom at Brandon’s Swim meet (where he broke the district record), with Devon at his graduation, with Justin as his graduation.
I am truly appreciative to each of you for covering during my bereavement and for sending me such lovely thoughts and funny memes. 
Happy Thursday all,


Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day!

First, happy Valentine’s Day!  Wishing each of you lots and lots of chocolate or flowers or whatever makes your heart happy.  J
What a wonderful week starting with two days of SAFe Agile Leading Change class followed by the certification.  As I told someone this morning, I have enough knowledge now to be a little dangerous.  More to come with how we will align to the Agile Playbook and roll out agile architecture this year.
On a personal note, some of you are aware that my father was released to hospice the last week of January.  It has been a whirlwind of emotions for my family.  We are dealing with our impending loss, but also how we show love and care during this time. 
When my father was first hospitalized, we were told he would live 2-3 days.  After a very rough night in the hospital, he woke the next morning and said, “I made it”.  My response was that his next goal was to make it to Valentine’s Day.  Today, I smile, because he made it.  This morning, I told him his next goal is his 59th Wedding Anniversary (end of February). 
My father was an executive, my mother a teacher.  I always talk about my mom as my rock (which she is), but forget to share that my dad taught me invaluable life lessons.  As a corporate executive, every day, he modeled authenticity, integrity, hard work, and amazing communication skills.  He was an amazing orator, speaking to huge audiences, was respected as a thought leader in his field and had an Irish wit that would make you fall out of your seat with laughter. 
He once wrote me, “The sky and stars are not a limit for you, Stacy Lynn.  So, set your goals high and fly”.  He was and remains one of my greatest champions.
On a rough day last week, a dear friend reminded me that our individual lives are like a book.  Each day has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and moments to remember.  The book is our legacy.  What a powerful legacy my father will leave to his children and their children.
The experience with my father-in-law in November and now my own father, has reminded me to welcome the new morning with gratitude, a new spirit, a smile, love in my heart and good thoughts in my mind.
Happy Friday all,

Friday, January 17, 2020

Martin Luther King Jr and Braving the Wilderness

Team, Not sure if others looked up at the calendar, saw it was Thursday, January 17, and already wondered where the time went.  It feels like just yesterday, the ball was dropping and we were singing Auld Lang Syne and making resolutions for 2020.  But, no, we are 17 days into the New Year.  Let that sink in.  

The calendar also reminded me that on Monday, we commemorate the life and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  

As I sit here and reflect on the significance of his presence on this planet:  his drive for racial justice and equality, his dream of democracy for all Americans, and his example of nonviolent action as a powerful, revolutionary force for social change.  I am humbled by his tenacity, his courage and extremely grateful.  Dr. King was a man of action and it makes sense that on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we too take action.  And, there are so many ways that we can be of service to our communities, a cause or in service of another.  I encourage you to plan your Friday in a way that affords us to honor his legacy through service.  And, as we do that, it will inspire us to invest further in service of something even greater. 

I finished Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown and recommend it as a much read for each of you.  Why do I recommend?  Read on… 

Braving the Wilderness
Brené Brown is amazing.  If you haven’t already been introduced to her work, take a look at her Ted Talk called The power of vulnerability.  Holy Moly.  It is a powerful, authentic talk on the importance of human connection.
The book moved me.  Brené was so vulnerable in sharing her personal story of how she chased the fundamental need to belong and, now, in hindsight shares openly how to avoid common pitfalls on our journey to find it. To her, belonging is mostly about learning to belong to ourselves.

Brené starts with encouraging us to be courageous in standing alone and be our authentic self when no one has our back. Here are three lessons I took away from the book specific to that:
  • Lesson One:  Stop trying so hard to fit in and give yourself permission to be yourself.  
  • Lesson Two:  The courage you need to be who you are comes from learning to trust yourself and others.
  • Lesson Three: Turn anger into a positive before it becomes resentment. Acknowledge your anger.  Use it.  Turn it around for the positive – betterness, not bitterness – for those you engage with.
Final thought
With so much to divide us in our world, the book reminded me to root myself in the fundamental truth that we all want to be part of something meaningful and something that is bigger than we are. It is time to replace hostility and division with humanity, trust and respect.  If we can connect at this level and be ourselves, the engagement will be at a more meaningful level. 

Happy Thursday all,
- srt