Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day!

First, happy Valentine’s Day!  Wishing each of you lots and lots of chocolate or flowers or whatever makes your heart happy.  J
What a wonderful week starting with two days of SAFe Agile Leading Change class followed by the certification.  As I told someone this morning, I have enough knowledge now to be a little dangerous.  More to come with how we will align to the Agile Playbook and roll out agile architecture this year.
On a personal note, some of you are aware that my father was released to hospice the last week of January.  It has been a whirlwind of emotions for my family.  We are dealing with our impending loss, but also how we show love and care during this time. 
When my father was first hospitalized, we were told he would live 2-3 days.  After a very rough night in the hospital, he woke the next morning and said, “I made it”.  My response was that his next goal was to make it to Valentine’s Day.  Today, I smile, because he made it.  This morning, I told him his next goal is his 59th Wedding Anniversary (end of February). 
My father was an executive, my mother a teacher.  I always talk about my mom as my rock (which she is), but forget to share that my dad taught me invaluable life lessons.  As a corporate executive, every day, he modeled authenticity, integrity, hard work, and amazing communication skills.  He was an amazing orator, speaking to huge audiences, was respected as a thought leader in his field and had an Irish wit that would make you fall out of your seat with laughter. 
He once wrote me, “The sky and stars are not a limit for you, Stacy Lynn.  So, set your goals high and fly”.  He was and remains one of my greatest champions.
On a rough day last week, a dear friend reminded me that our individual lives are like a book.  Each day has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and moments to remember.  The book is our legacy.  What a powerful legacy my father will leave to his children and their children.
The experience with my father-in-law in November and now my own father, has reminded me to welcome the new morning with gratitude, a new spirit, a smile, love in my heart and good thoughts in my mind.
Happy Friday all,

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