Thursday, August 31, 2023

Be the Duck

Happy Thursday!

Labor Day weekend is upon us in the United States.  In years past, United States schools would begin the day after Labor Day.  It was an informal signal that summer was over, and Fall was upon us. 

Labor Day is important as it honors workers as the foundation of a country's success.  In the United States, the holiday was established in 1894 and named “Labor Day”.   Now, in the United States, Labor Day is celebrated with parades, barbeques, getaways, and many store clearance sales (a great time to buy a new car, if you are in the market).  If you are celebrating the three-day weekend, stay safe and take a moment to celebrate the workers around the world who contribute every day. 

Be the Duck

Years ago,  I was asked by a peer how I manage conflicting priorities, aggressive deadlines and daily fire drills and remain successful.  

It was after a very stressful work week when I received her first IM that asked me how I managed it all.

I started laughing because I thought how can anyone watching think that I actually have it all together?  But, when I realized her question was genuine, I simply typed, "Be the duck." 

There it is.  Quick.  Concise.  Visual.  Well, not really, so let me explain.

For those of you who have not heard me talk about my mom, let me introduce you to her right now.  er name is Sandy Rea and she is known for her “Sandyism” (aren’t all moms?).

For years, my mom would tell my brother, sister and me to "be the duck".  It became humorous as our friends would ask, "Why be a duck?" or "What’s up with your mom and the duck?"  At one point, she even cut out a cartoon and put it on our refrigerator.  Not quite like the attached, but same message.

I remember the day, at a local pond, when she pointed out the cool composure of the duck.  Just gliding across the water.  From the surface, the duck is calm and collected.  But underneath the water, the duck's feet are paddling, working with the water to move in the intended direction.  She extended this to people and those who always appear to have their stuff together compared to those who appear to always be in a state of chaos. 

My siblings and I knew that when Mom said, "Be the duck" it meant to demonstrate composure and grace through steady control over emotion.  

To help me "be the duck" I have implemented three simple productivity tools into my daily routines:   

1) Personal Kanban - I use a Personal Kanban to organize my work.  Kanban is so simple to implement.  It allows me to prioritize my work and ensure my work in progress stays in balance.  

2) Pomodoro Technique - I use the Pomodoro Technique as a simple way to focus.  It allows me to exclusively focus on one task/project for a set amount of time (traditionally 25 minutes) then take a break (traditionally 5 minutes) and then go back in for another 25 minutes.  I use this in the mornings and at lunch for email.  Basically, I turn off distractions (IM, text, and others), set my cell phone timer for 25 minutes open up email, and hyper-focus.  When the timer goes off, I stop, save what I was working on to draft, and take a break.  After the break, I repeat.  It is amazing how many emails I can respond to without distractions and with a time limit.  

3) Set Intentions - I am a firm believer in setting intentions with agendas for meetings.  When asked to attend a meeting, I will ask for the intention and the agenda.  This helps me ensure I am ready for the meeting or in some cases address the need without having a meeting. 

With yesterday’s - all day - MIM event on Message Gateway, I realized I have not mastered time management.  There are times I am not ducklike, at all.  However, I am thankful for routines that make planning and prioritization especially important when dealing with aggressive deadlines, conflicting priorities, and daily fire drills.   I think the tools help to stay organized and might also help to be more ducklike.  😊

Enough about ducks.  Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, August 24, 2023


Happy Thursday!

Guess who is back at the Farm? Our Canadian Geese couple (George and Martha) along with their kids from two seasons!  

Ryan and Bryan were present along with these past hatchings of Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Rafael.   Not sure if you remember my kids are comedians.  Ryan and Bryan, because they were Gooselings.  And the last four, because my kids love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (and I love the artists).  

Oh my.  They crack me up as they never change.  

George let me know he expected some food and as I put it down for them, he honked and stood guard as his family ate.  Then off to the pond for a swim / clean.  Their arrival signals lower temperatures, pumpkins and grapes to harvest and babies, hopefully.    

Might get some pictures over the weekend to share next week.   

Microsoft Shortcuts

Years ago I didn’t know the shortcuts available on Microsoft products. 

When I think about the time saved by using shortcuts, I can’t believe I went without for so long.

My favorites?

  • Ctrl + P - Print 
  • Ctrl + S - Save 
  • Ctrl + C - Copy
  • Ctrl + V - Paste 

At the bottom of this thread is a list of the shortcuts I know that I typed up for my mom.  Did I miss any? 

Happy Thursday all!



Ctrl + A - Select All 

Ctrl + B - Bold

Ctrl + C - Copy 

Ctrl + D - Fill 

Ctrl + F - Find 

Ctrl + G - Find next instance of text 

Ctrl + H - Replace 

Ctrl + I - Italic 

Ctrl + K - Insert a hyperlink 

Ctrl + N - New workbook 

Ctrl + O - Open 

Ctrl + P - Print 

Ctrl + R - Nothing right 

Ctrl + S - Save 

Ctrl + U - Underlined 

Ctrl + V - Paste 

Ctrl +W - Close 

Ctrl + X - Cut 

Ctrl + Y - Repeat 

Ctrl + Z - Cancel 

F1 - Help 

F2 - Edition 

F3 - Paste the name 

F4 - Repeat the last action 

F4 - When entering a formula, switch between absolute / relative references 

F5 - Goto 

F6 - Next Pane 

F7 - Spell Check 

F8 - Extension of the mode 

F9 - Recalculate all workbooks 

F10 - Activate Menubar 

F11 - New graph 

F12 - Save As 

Ctrl +: - Insert the current time 

Ctrl +; - Insert the current date 

Ctrl + "- Copy the value of the cell above 

Ctrl + '- Copy the formula from the cell above Shift - Offset Adjustment for Additional Functions in the Excel Menu 

Shift + F1 - What is it? 

Shift + F2 - Edit cell comment 

Shift + F3 - Paste the function into the formula Shift + F4 - Search Next 

Shift + F5 - Find 

Shift + F6 - Previous Panel 

Shift + F8 - Add to the selection 

Shift + F9 - Calculate the active worksheet

Shift + F10 - Popup menu display 

Shift + F11 - New spreadsheet 

Shift + F12 - Save

Ctrl + F3 - Set name 

Ctrl + F4 - Close 

Ctrl + F5 - XL, size of the restore window 

Ctrl + F6 - Next Workbook Window 

Shift + Ctrl + F6 - Previous Workbook Window Ctrl + F7 - Move window 

Ctrl + F8 - Resize Window 

Ctrl + F9 - Minimize the workbook 

Ctrl + F10 - Maximize or Restore Window 

Ctrl + F11 - Inset 4.0 Macro sheet

Ctrl + F1 - Open File 

Alt + F1 - Insert a graph

Alt + F2 - Save As 

Alt + F4 - Output 

Alt + F8 - Macro dialog 

Alt + F11 - Visual Basic Editor

Ctrl + Shift + F3 - Create a name using the names of row and column labels

Ctrl + Shift + F6 - Previous Window 

Ctrl + Shift + F12 - Printing

Alt + Shift + F1 - New spreadsheet 

Alt + Shift + F2 - Save 

Alt + = - AutoSum 

Ctrl + `- Toggle value / display of the formula Ctrl + Shift + A - Insert the argument names in the formula 

Alt + down arrow - automatic view format

Alt + '- Format Style Dialog 

Ctrl + Shift + ~ - General Format  

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Importance of Routine

Happy Thursday all,

Last week on Tuesday (8/15)  several of us celebrated India’s 77th Independence Day. 

A day of celebration, when legislative sovereignty was transferred from the UK to the Indian Constituent Assembly.  Three years later, the Constitution of India came into effect with its assurance of justice, equality, and liberty and endeavors to promote fraternity for all of its citizens.   

Happy Independence Day India! 

The Importance of a Morning Routine

Years ago, as a young mom, I started a “morning routine” as a way to be deliberate and build habits around movement, mind, and motivation, or the 3 M’s as I would reference them. 

Why are the 3 M’s important?

Morning Movement – Doing some warm-ups/workouts before you start your day has been shown to lower your body’s cortisol levels (stress hormones).   Yoga and walking are my go-to, but riding a bike (stationary or street) or other aerobics are great.  In addition to a sense of accomplishment, this will also reward you with a rush of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine which are feel-good chemicals that also boost your mood!   

Exercising your Mind – Doing some brain puzzles/teasers in the morning stimulates your mind and can improve brain function according to reports.  I love doing hard Sudoku in the am and even attempt to beat my best time.  Wordle, Wordscapes, and Words with Friends are great games to get a mental workout. 

Motivating your Mind – Reading or listening to a book or podcast as I settle into my desk, makes me think.  Oftentimes, they motivate me to put into practice or even share with you.  Right now I am continuing to read 12 Rules for Life:  An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson which I started while on PTO.  Really easy read and very motivational.  Will share more when I finish.

Interestingly, on holiday, I am always able to do my morning routine.  

Every. Day. Without. Fail.  

Where I struggle is doing my morning routine Monday through Friday and I really don’t have a good excuse why.  Old habits sink in and I find myself at 4:30am going straight into work and emails versus investing an hour on self and the 3Ms.

So, returning from holiday, have made it a priority again.  Hoping repetition leads to habit-building.    Will let you know how it goes.

Make someone smile today, even if it is you. 

