Thursday, October 24, 2024

Five Truths for Growing Your Career: Lessons I Learned Early On (Plus a Bonus)

Throughout my years in the tech industry, I've navigated both successes and challenges, and along the way, I’ve learned a few key truths that have truly made a difference in my career growth. Recently, I was asked about the advice I give to individuals looking to move up and around at the bank, and it got me thinking—these aren’t your typical buzzwords or generic advice you’d find in a motivational speech. These are lessons earned through real-life experience, reflection, and yes, some hard knocks.

So, I thought I’d document five key truths I wish I had fully embraced earlier in my career. I hope they will help you as much as they’ve helped me.

1. Your Only Competition Is You

It’s easy to get caught up comparing yourself to others, especially in our fast-paced, high-performance industry. But the truth is, the only person you should be competing with is who you were yesterday. My son Brandon taught me this lesson early on when he swam competitively. I would ask him whose time he was going to beat at the next meet, and he would simply reply, "My own." I admired that mindset. Sure enough, he held the best records on his team for years—until his younger brother broke two of them during his senior year. The point is, focus on becoming a better version of yourself every day. Learn more, grow in your skills, and push beyond your comfort zone. Your career isn’t a race against others; it’s a personal journey toward your full potential.

Ask yourself: What can I improve today that will make me better than I was yesterday?

2. Think Big, Act Small

Dreaming big is vital—it provides direction and motivation. And trust me, I am a BIG dreamer. But when it comes to execution, starting small is the key to success. Big goals can be overwhelming if you try to tackle them all at once. Break them down into manageable steps, and celebrate each small victory along the way. Consistent, incremental progress is how you ultimately achieve something significant.

Ask yourself: What’s one small step I can take today to move closer to my big goals?

3. Break Free from the Herd

Innovation doesn’t happen by following the crowd. To truly stand out in your career, you must be willing to break free from conventional thinking and take risks. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo or bring up new ideas, even if they seem unconventional. The most successful people in any field didn’t get there by playing it safe—they dared to be different.

Ask yourself: What’s one bold move I can make today that will set me apart?

4. Stop Worrying About What Others Think

This is easier said than done, but it’s one of the most liberating truths. I’ve been there—overthinking what others might think and allowing fear to dictate my decisions. It was paralyzing. But at some point, I realized that I can’t control how others perceive me. I decided to focus on what I can control—being authentic, working with integrity, staying curious, and surrounding myself with brilliant people. The reality is, you can’t control other people’s thoughts, so don’t let that hold you back. Trust your instincts and make decisions that align with your values.

Ask yourself: Am I making this decision for myself, or to please others?

5. Discipline Beats Motivation

Motivation is fleeting. Some days you’ll wake up ready to conquer the world, and other days you’ll struggle to find the energy to get out of bed. That’s where discipline comes in. Discipline keeps you moving forward when motivation fades. Establish routines, hold yourself accountable, and keep showing up—even on the tough days. Over time, discipline builds momentum, and momentum leads to success. If you haven’t already, I recommend reading The 5 AM Club. While some parts are a little whimsical, it drives home the importance of discipline.

Ask yourself: How can I build discipline into my daily routine to ensure progress even on the hard days?

Bonus Truth: Embrace Discomfort to Grow

Growth rarely happens inside your comfort zone. If you’re not feeling challenged, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough. Embracing discomfort is key to both personal and professional development. It’s when you tackle tasks that stretch your abilities, face difficult conversations, or take on unfamiliar challenges that real growth happens. Discomfort is temporary, but the growth is lasting.

Ask yourself: What discomfort am I avoiding, and how can I lean into it to grow?

By embracing these truths early on, I found clarity and direction in my career. Growth is a continuous process, but these principles are timeless. Remember, your path to success is uniquely yours. Applying these lessons consistently can set you up for long-term success.

I encourage you to take these insights to heart and reflect on how they might apply to your own journey. 

Let’s keep pushing boundaries—individually and as a team.

Stay disciplined, dream big, embrace discomfort, and break free!

Happy Thursday all,


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