Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

I don’t really do New Years resolutions.  Never really have.  But, this year, on New Years Eve I am making a commitment to myself (actually two).  

I reread the The 5am Club by Robin Sharma over the holiday break and was reminded of how essential my 5am to 6am pacific hour is.  

In The 5am Club, Sharma encourages all to use the 5am hour to move, be mindful and master a topic (20 / 20 / 20 framework).  So, one commitment to self will be to hold sacred this time (and mark it as OOO) because using this time wisely has always helped to ready me for the day.  As Sharma says, “the way you start your day powerfully shapes how productively you live it.”  

Next, I want to invest time in reflection and will spend time journalling ideas, things I am grateful for, bucket list items and areas where I can focus on and simplify. 

Happy New Year lovelies!


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