Thursday, November 16, 2023

Learn and Grow

In 1962, my parents purchased a set of Britannica Great Books from a door-to-door salesman.  

It was a lot of money to spend in 1962 for a set of books when they had a new mouth to feed (my bro, Chris).  They believed that reading this set basically equaled a college-level education in literature. 

These books were always prominently displayed in our house and traveled with us as we moved from Oregon to Utah to Northern California to the Bay Area and back to Northern California.  

Throughout my childhood, I had used these books and respected the rules that came along with using them:

1) No dog ears (i.e. bending the top or bottom of any page

2) Absolutely no writing or highlighting in book 

3) Return them in the same condition you received them

I followed these rules diligently as, like many young children, I did not want to face the wrath of my father. 

I read Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Milton, Goethe, The Federalist Papers, and so many more. 

My dad had said one day they would be mine and at the time, I would nod okay.  At the time, I didn't understand the significance of the comment and gesture. 

This weekend my mom and I moved the set into my office, placing them one-by-one on the shelves.  Many have notes that I wrote and paper bookmarks from papers I wrote in college.  A few have paper bookmarks that only Mom or Dad could have put there.   So significant now that Dad isn't with us and I find myself reading those pages wondering if that is just where he stopped or if there was something on that page he wanted to be able to go back to.

With the move, I also was reminded of the story of how my parents acquired the set.  

I am inspired to remember that my parents modeled a learn-and-grow mentality always. 

Today, I am so grateful for that. 

Happy Thursday all,


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Diwali Wishes

Sunday started Diwali for many across the world.  What a powerful universal message that Diwali brings with it.  

I encourage all to reflect on the message Diwali carries which is the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil.  

Each of us has the power and personal responsibility to bring a little more light in the world.  If we all did, can you imagine the difference it would make?


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thank a Veteran for their Service

Happy Thursday all!

Moving into the house has been very slow going.  This past weekend, the boys and their girlfriends stayed at @TheFarm and we celebrated a late Halloween.  With their help, we were also able to completely remove all of our belongings from the trailer. 

For Halloween, we were asked to come as a "pair of [fill in the blank]"   

Bruce and I came as scary skeletons.  My eldest Brandon and his girlfriend came as a pair of pumpkins.  My middle son, Devon, and his girlfriend had just gone to a party as Pokemon's Team Rocket with my son being Jesse so they came just "as is".  And my youngest son, Justin, and his girlfriend came as Anakin and Padme.  

The Picture above includes a pair of pumpkins with Lola the cat (left top); a Pair from Star Wars (left middle); my youngest Anakin with Lola the cat (left bottom); The family (top right) and me with Devon photobombing (bottom right)

As for the trailer.  Oh my, what sounds like a small task ("empty the trailer") was not.  We had every inch of that trailer filled with stuff.   I followed my own guidance and sorted everything into three piles (keep/donate / trash).  For keep, it had to be something I was going to use at least every month.  For trash, it had to be something that would not sell at a thrift store.  Of the piles, keep was the smallest and donate was the largest and I was happy to take five very large bags and two large boxes to the FieldHaven Marketplace to be put on the floor for sale.   

My husband, Bruce, and I also decided to invest in a new couch and dining table.  They won't be here in time for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but the anticipation of having a place where my boys and their girlfriends can all join Bruce and me for a family dinner along with a couch big enough for our growing family to plop down and watch a movie is something I look forward to.

Thank a Veteran for their Military Service!

November 11 is honored in the United States as Veterans Day to celebrate the service of all U.S. military Veterans.  As a mom of a Navy Veteran, a niece of three Marine Veterans, and the cousin of an Air Force Veteran, I have seen firsthand the sacrifice these men and women have made for the US. 

If I might share, my Uncle Robert “Bobby” Rea served in Vietnam as one of the Combat Correspondents, or “Snuffies” as they were called under the leadership of Dale Dye.  He would tell my brother, sister, and me the most remarkable stories.  I was very young, so I was often pulled away when the story became too serious.  I remember when he called us and said that Oliver Stone was making a movie and bringing in Dye as the military consultant to ensure events were portrayed accurately.  He was so concerned about bringing the world of war to film.  He wanted it to be accurate because he knew it was important, but he also didn’t want to be made into a movie for so many other reasons.  During the same call, he also told us that one of his friends had written a book called The Short Timers which was also going to be made into a movie.  The movie, Full Metal Jacket, was released in 1987.  Both Platoon and Full Metal Jacket are considered movies that accurately describe events that occurred, and they are as disturbing as you can imagine a movie about war would be.   My other uncles, Butch Rea, and Michael Hale, served in Vietnam as well and received several accolades and medals.  Unlike my Uncle Bobby, they never talked about their time in the military except saying it was an honor to serve.   

On November 11 consider doing something for a veteran whether it be helping one, sending a card or even learning about the veteran experience.  For the latter, I found from the WF Veteran’s Connection (ERN), that you can learn about the Wells Fargo veteran experience, culture, and perspective from both US and non-US veterans on one of the Veterans Connection ERN podcasts (click Listen to Episode 4).

For all who served, thank you.  I sincerely appreciate your service.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, November 2, 2023

I Get by with a Little Help

Happy Thursday all,

You may notice that I have been happier on the calls yesterday and today?  Well, it might be because the house is done and we are very slowly moving in.  Some of you have asked what I am enjoying most in the new house.  

Four things to come to mind (right) Pantry, (left top) Wine Fridge, (left middle) Wet Room, and the (left bottom) Portico!  Oh, and a real bed!   

The days of acorns hitting the trailer at 3am that sound like a rockslide are over (at least, I hope).  

I also celebrated my 27-year anniversary with my company yesterday (actually 29 years – 2 years as a consultant).  Yeah!  Sharing what I posted on LinkedIn below.  

I mostly want to thank each and every one of you as YOU are those amazing, talented people who make our company a great place to work.   From Linkedin:  “As I pull out my badges from the years, I feel so incredibly blessed to have worked in challenging roles across technology, data, supply chain, risk management with amazing, talented people who encouraged me to continuously learn and grow.”

I Get by with a Little Help

Years ago I brought in Anne Warfield, Impression Management, to do Outcome Thinking training with a brand new group I was asked to manage and I was struggling with connection and building trust.

The team (7 managers) was tired and they had come from a place where they were not appreciated, overworked, or blamed because of this did not understand their own value nonetheless they had others value their work.

Anne Warfield met with me the months before the in-person training was scheduled and asked why I came to her, what I wanted to accomplish from the training, and what I hoped the team would walk away with.  

This week, in the moving/packing process, I opened up the book from the training and found my notes from those first calls.  I won’t bore you with the notes, but share them with you the outcome.

Anne was able to facilitate a series of authentic conversations within the body of training.  She walked the team through body language (including private video/consulting for each), and how to structure a message to be heard (using real-life examples), but the most important thing was how to remain calm and focused in order to be able to be strategic.  

The session with Anne was brilliant.  My new management team both learned and felt listened to.  And it was made possible because of Anne’s amazing facilitation based on six planning meetings.  would have taken months of trust-building to achieve. 

Finding the book was perfect timing and a great reminder that sometimes, you need to call in help … whether it be an expert, a leader, or a partner.  There are times when sheer tenacity alone is not the right answer. 

Are you facing a big issue or challenge?  Consider bringing in an expert.  Sometimes someone with a different lens from outside counsel can help overcome.   

Happy Thursday all,
