Thursday, October 3, 2019

How Do You Show Up?

My friend, Sherrie Littlejohn, is a life coach and speaker.

She also is my previous manager, a wife, mother and beautiful human being.

She is an avid blogger and I find motivation each time I read her thoughtful reflections.

In today's blog, she writes, "Success in life is more about how you show up than what you know or even who you know. Yes, each is important. However, would you agree that the foundation for success starts with you? Your attitude, your behavior, your mindset, your commitment, your passion, your enthusiasm, your courage, your confidence, your conscious awareness of yourself provides this foundation. When we start with ourselves, then and only then, can we learn, attract, and be our very best for ourselves… and then for others."

There is so much truth in this paragraph!
My attitude
My Behavior
My Mindset
My Committment
My Passion
My Enthusiasm
My Courage
My Confidence
My Awareness

How I choose to show up and behave allows me to be my best self.

Powerful reminder that I am in control.

Take a visit to Sherrie's site at and tell her Stacy says hello!

Happy Thursday!

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