Thursday, April 29, 2010

What a Way to Welcome Spring!

When I heard someone yell Stump was sighted, I rushed downstairs so very excited to look for her in the pond.

What I found however, was my husband looking over our pool and pointing at the deepest end. "She's down there," he said.

Walking to the diving board, I immediately saw the shadow on the bottom of the pool. Definitely frog shaped. Definitely Stump. Definitely Deep. Definitely Cold, Cold Water.

"Brandon!!!" I called.

My 14 year old had stayed home from school sick, but that didn't release him from having to dive into the ice cold water and retrieve my beloved Stump.

As he came up, both hands tightly around Stump I reflected back on summer’s past where retrieving Stump from the pool was a weekly ritual.

Now, four years later - boys older, Stump bigger - I celebrate that Spring is here and Stump has returned (with her very familiar ways). What a beautiful way to welcome Spring!

May your Spring bring you many, many unexpected gifts.

To see pictures of Stump and her return from hibernation, click the link below:  

If you don't know who Stump is, click the link below:

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