Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Skeleton Key by Brandon

The day we moved into our new house little did I know that day would change my life forever.
That key had more power than I could ever imagine.
Maybe if I had dropped it right then, all of it never would have happened but its to late now, much to late.
“Hey Mom, Dad, I’m going to explore the house. Ok?”
“Ok.” My mom shouted back as I ran up the stairs breezing past her to explore my new house.
So many rooms to choose from. As I got to the top of the stairs, I counted the doors. Twelve to be precise! I looked into each one. Long rooms, square rooms, rooms with windows, rooms without. Rooms with closets so big that they could be rooms. Finally I had exhausted my search of rooms and decided on the one in the corner. So many rooms in our new house, my brothers would not have trouble finding ones they wanted.
As I was running back down the stairs I slipped on something. I looked down at the ground. There lying on the stair was a key, but not just an ordinary key, an old fashioned key with a skeleton on the top of it. I had found a skeleton key.
“Why had I not seen it before?” I thought to myself. “I know! It belongs to one of the rooms.”
As I spun around, hoping it was the door key of the room I had chosen, a new door caught my eye. It was not a room that I had explored already.
Counting the doors, I found that now this floor had thirteen rooms.
“How strange,” I thought to myself, “that I could miss such a funky looking door!”
I walked over to the door. It was all black except with a white streak through the middle.
I stuck the key in. It turned. The door opened ever so slightly.
“Hello?” I whispered as I slowly entered the room.
I had just decided to go back and grab a flashlight, when the door slammed behind me, and all the light seemed to disappear from sight.
I stood still. A million eyes felt like they were watching me. I was not alone.
I turned to walk back to the door, but the door I could not find. In fact, I couldn’t even find a wall.
Panicked, I spoke out in a whisper.
“Hello?” There was no answer.
Irritated and scared, I yelled out into the darkness.
“This is not funny!”
“Help!” A scream came from the darkness followed by an agonizing cry of pain.
The cry of pain echoed in my mind.
I walked forward and soon I saw light.
It became clear that it was a bulb hanging from the ceiling.
I looked around and saw two undeads coming towards me. I froze. They advanced coming closer and closer to me.
By the time I unfroze, they were so close I could spell their rotting skin and see bugs crawling in and out of their open flesh.
I ran away from them. I didn’t stop running until I realized I was in another room. Finding a door, I quickly shut it cutting off four fingers of the undeads in the process. As I looked down and saw the fingers hopping on the floor, I realized I could not see the floor. What I saw instead were dead bodies and they were covering the entire floor. But there was not blood, no punctures, only a horrifying look on each of their faces.
“How?” I wondered.
Then it came to me. They had been scared to death! They had died of heart attacks. But what had scared them to death?
It would have to wait. I knew I needed to get out of this room and get out now.
I saw a small door on the right side of the room. Walking over bodies, so many bodies, I waded towards the door.
Coming to it, I noticed it required a key. I pulled the key out of my pocket and stuck the key into the lock on the door.
As I pulled open the door, relief overwhelmed me as I began to walk into the corner room. The room I had chosen for my bedroom. I began to enter the room as a huge blue monster came from behind me. Lunging at me, trying to grab my sweatshirt, I quickly ran into room and shut the door.
“That’s what killed them,” I thought to myself.
“Mom, Dad.” I screamed, “Where are you?”
My mom’s voice muffled came to me. I could not understand what she was saying.
“Mom?” I turned around to look in the direction of her voice. It was coming from behind the door.
“Get out of the house Chuck!” Her voice now sharp and full of fear shoot out from behind the door.
I turned to run, but was caught by a large blue hand coming from the door.
As it pulled me into the room, my mind was full of regret.
“Why did I have to pick up the key?”

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