Sunday, June 30, 2024

She believed she could, so she did.

It is with immense gratitude and profound honor that I stand before you today as the incoming president of this remarkable organization.

I have been blessed with amazing, loving parents, and for a moment I want to highlight my mother, Sandra Rea. Her constant support, belief, and advocacy in my life have been invaluable. In my youth, she would remind me that the three barriers to my success were Me, Myself, and I.

Through my travels, within my career, and mentoring through my place of work and Women in Technology, I've realized many women and girls do not have someone like my mother in their corner. Wherein lies our opportunity to serve.  This inspired our theme for the year: "She believed she could, so she did."

Growing up, our refrigerator displayed a quote from Henry Ford: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." This captures our theme, emphasizing the power of belief in unlocking our potential.

This simple yet powerful phrase, "She believed she could, so she did", embodies the spirit of Soroptimist. It speaks to the courage, determination, and belief that women around the world possess. It is this belief that drives countless women to overcome obstacles, break barriers, and achieve their dreams.

As Soroptimists, we are part of a global movement that empowers women and girls to reach their full potential. Our mission is to inspire confidence and self-belief. When a woman believes in herself, there is no limit to what she can achieve.

Over the years, I have witnessed the incredible impact of our programs. I've seen women gain the skills and resources they need to build better lives through the Live Your Dream Award. I've seen girls, who once doubted their worth, stand tall and proud, ready to take on the world through the Soroptimist Santa, Teen Esteem, and Dream It, Be It Program.

Today, as I step into the role of president, I am inspired by the stories of success and resilience that have brought us here. I am humbled by the tenacity of our charter members: Jean, Alysia, and Jerri, who 20 years ago saw a need to bring women together and made it happen. I am committed to continuing this legacy of empowerment so that even more women and girls can say, "I believed I could, so I did."

Our journey ahead is filled with opportunities. As someone deeply passionate about mental health and wellness, I recognize the growing prevalence of depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders, particularly those unique to women, such as depression during hormonal changes. It's a worthy cause and highly appropriate for the Presidential Passion Program to create safe spaces where these conversations can occur without stigma, allowing women and girls to thrive without fear or limitation.

However, we cannot achieve this alone.  We need the collective strength and support of our members, sponsors, and the entire Lincoln community.  Each one of us has a vital role to play in bringing this vision to life.  Let's draw inspiration from one another, celebrate our successes, and learn from our challenges.  Together, we can create a future where mental health and wellness are prioritized and everyone can flourish.  

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." As Soroptimists, we believe in the beauty of every woman's dream. We are here to nurture those dreams and turn them into reality.

Members, thank you for your advocacy, dedication, passion, and belief in our mission.

Together, we will continue to inspire, empower, and transform lives. 

Together, we will prove that when a woman believes she can, she truly can.

Thank you. 


Friday, June 28, 2024

Quail Tales: Whimsical Wonders at The Farm

In a quiet corner of Lincoln Farm was a sprawling vegetable garden that danced with colors, and to the left, a seasonal orchard whispered secrets to the wind. An enchanting outdoor enclosure, adorned with grapevines curling and weaving up its sides, nestled within it a charming community of feathered friends: a covey of quails, a confusion of guinea fowl, and a flock of chickens.

In one particularly cozy corner of this magical habitat lived three rescued button quails named Pip, Squeak, and Dot, alongside two elegant Japanese quails named Miko and Yuki. These delightful quails had once been the cherished companions of children in a local preschool. Now, they reveled in the freedom of their whimsical outdoor haven, where they often engaged in fantastical conversations about the peculiar and wondrous ways of the humans they loved to watch.

One sunny morning, Pip, the smallest of the button quails, fluffed his feathers and looked around at his friends. "Did you see what Stacy was doing today?" he chirped excitedly. "She was digging in the garden again! I wonder what she's planting."

Squeak, always the curious one, tilted her head. "I saw her too! She was talking to the plants as she worked. What do you think she was saying?"

Dot, the wisest of the button quails, was sitting on a clutch of eggs.  She chuckled softly at the conversation and then replied, "Humans often talk to their plants. They believe it helps them grow better. Stacy, although quirky, has a way with the garden; it's her special talent.  When this happens, humans call it a green thumb.”

Miko, one of the Japanese quails, stretched her wings and added, "I overheard her singing while she worked. I don’t think she is singing the words right. But it is cute that she tries. She was also checking the orchard, making sure everything was healthy."

Yuki, Miko's best friend, nodded in agreement. "And don't forget how she brings us treats every day. She filled our feeders with fresh seeds this morning. I love how she always takes care of us."

As the quails continued their conversation, they noticed Stacy approaching the enclosure. She was a sight to behold, wearing a mismatched pair of brightly colored socks, camouflage working boots, and a shirt that read "Cats for Christmas." She was humming a tune that seemed to mix a lullaby and a pop song, making up words as she went.

"Good morning, my little feathery friends!" Stacy sang out cheerfully, her voice carrying a hint of whimsy. "I brought you some fresh greens from the garden!"

The quails chirped excitedly as Stacy sprinkled basil, mint, and clover into the enclosure. Miko and Yuki pecked at the greens, while Pip, Squeak, and Dot watched with grateful hearts.

Squeak peered curiously at Stacy's outfit. "Do you think she chooses her clothes with her eyes closed?" she wondered aloud.

Dot chuckled. "Maybe, but I think it's part of her charm. She dances to her own tune."

Pip nodded enthusiastically. "She makes everything more interesting.  That’s for sure! Yesterday, she was conversing with the rats, not knowing they had already gone into hiding and wouldn’t be back until bedtime."

The quails watched as Stacy twirled around, dropping much that was in her arms, and then settled down to water the lemon grass that grew by the gate of the garden, still humming her eclectic tune.

Pip hopped closer to the others, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Do you think Stacy wonders about us the way we wonder about her? She seems so interested in everything we do."

Dot ruffled her feathers thoughtfully. "I believe she does. She watches us and smiles. I think she learns from us just as we learn from her. It's a special bond we share."

As the sun began to set, Stacy waved goodbye and headed back to the farmhouse, leaving the quails to enjoy their peaceful evening.

As the stars twinkled overhead, the quails settled down for the night. Pip snuggled close to Squeak and Dot, while Miko and Yuki nestled together nearby.

"Goodnight, friends," Pip whispered. "I wonder what wonderfully quirky things Stacy will do tomorrow."

With that, the quails drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the incredible world they shared with their human friend.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Managing Up in Corporate America: A Guide to Enhancing Your Career

I recently took on three mentees in different career and life stages!  Same week, all three asked about “managing up” as two were struggling with feeling like they were meeting their bosses expectations and one just had been reorganized with a new boss. 

In the intricate web of corporate America, it is true that success often hinges not just on how well you manage your team, but also on how effectively you manage your relationship with your boss (and their boss). This concept, known as "managing up," involves understanding your manager's needs, working style, and expectations to foster a productive and harmonious working relationship. It's a strategic approach that can propel your career forward, improve your work environment, and lead to greater job satisfaction.

As I told my mentees, I am not an expert and have done many thing wrong in this area.  But I also have learned much in my thirty years and would offer this advice on how you can master the art of managing up.

Understand Your Boss's Priorities and Goals

The first step in managing up is gaining a clear understanding of your boss's priorities and goals. This involves proactive communication and observation. Schedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss their objectives and how your role fits into the bigger picture. Pay attention to what they emphasize in meetings and the types of projects they prioritize. By aligning your efforts with their goals, you demonstrate that you are a valuable asset who is committed to the team’s success.

Adapt to Their Communication Style

Effective communication is the cornerstone of managing up. Different managers have different communication preferences—some may prefer detailed reports, while others might favor quick, concise updates. Take note of how your boss communicates and tailor your style to match theirs. If they appreciate regular updates, make sure you provide them. If they prefer to discuss things in person rather than via email, adjust accordingly. By adapting to their preferred communication style, you can ensure your messages are received positively and efficiently.

Be Proactive and Solution-Oriented

One of the best ways to manage up is to be proactive in identifying problems and proposing solutions. Rather than simply bringing issues to your boss’s attention, come prepared with potential solutions. This demonstrates critical thinking, initiative, and a problem-solving mindset, all of which are highly valued in corporate environments. It also shows that you respect your boss’s time and are committed to making their job easier.

Build Trust Through Reliability and Accountability

Trust is essential in any professional relationship. Build trust with your boss by consistently delivering on your promises and meeting deadlines. If you commit to a task, ensure it gets done to the best of your ability. In cases where you encounter obstacles or anticipate delays, communicate them early and propose a revised plan. This level of accountability not only fosters trust but also demonstrates your reliability and integrity.  For me an example of this is when I ask someone to step in and be my proxy at a meeting I will not be attending.  My expectation is the individual takes notes and sends me the notes along with any key agreements they made as my proxy in the meeting.  Additionally, I expect that they will respect the confidentiality of the meeting.  As my proxy, they should know what is appropriate to share with the broader team and what not to.  When in question, the answer is always to not share. 

Understand Their Challenges and Provide Support

Managing up involves empathy and understanding. Acknowledge that your boss has their own set of challenges and pressures. By understanding these challenges, you can provide the support they need. Offer to take on tasks that might alleviate their workload or suggest ways to streamline processes. Showing that you are aware of and empathetic to their situation can strengthen your working relationship and demonstrate your leadership potential.

Seek and Act on Feedback

Feedback is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. Actively seek feedback from your boss to understand their expectations and how you can improve. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to enhance your skills and performance. Demonstrating that you value and act on feedback shows your commitment to continuous improvement and your respect for their perspective.

Maintain a Positive and Professional Attitude

A positive attitude can significantly impact your relationship with your boss. Approach your work with enthusiasm and professionalism, even in challenging situations. A can-do attitude and a willingness to go the extra mile are qualities that will set you apart and make you a valued team member. Additionally, maintaining professionalism, especially during disagreements or stressful times, reflects your maturity and reliability.

To wrap it up, managing up is not about manipulation or self-promotion; it’s about fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with your boss. By understanding their goals, adapting to their communication style, being proactive, building trust, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can create a supportive and productive working dynamic. This strategic approach not only helps you stand out as a competent and reliable employee but also paves the way for career advancement in the complex landscape of corporate America. Remember, managing up is about creating a win-win situation where both you and your boss can succeed together.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Embracing Feedback: A Pathway to Continuous Improvement in the Workplace

In the pursuit of excellence, feedback acts as a guiding force, steering us towards improvement. While it's natural to feel apprehensive about feedback, especially during midyear performance evaluations, it's crucial to recognize its value in fostering growth and development in the workplace.

Let’s explore why embracing feedback is essential for continuous improvement. We'll delve into its significance in cultivating a growth mindset, enhancing performance, fostering collaboration and innovation, and building trust through authentic conversations.

Feedback is a cornerstone of trust and professional relationships, fostering open communication, transparency, and mutual respect. By actively seeking feedback and demonstrating a willingness to listen, learn, and grow, individuals cultivate trust and rapport with colleagues, supervisors, and stakeholders, ultimately strengthening professional relationships and fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment.

Feedback serves as a mirror reflecting our performance, illuminating areas of strength and areas in need of refinement. It offers fresh perspectives, insights, and actionable recommendations that propel us toward greater proficiency and effectiveness in our roles. By soliciting feedback on completed tasks or projects, individuals invite opportunities for self-reflection and refinement, ultimately fostering personal and professional growth.

Embracing feedback requires a growth mindset – a willingness to learn, adapt, and evolve. Rather than viewing feedback as criticism or judgment, it should be embraced as a stepping stone towards improvement. A growth mindset fosters resilience, curiosity, and a commitment to continuous learning, empowering individuals to harness feedback as a catalyst for advancement rather than a deterrent to progress.

Feedback catalyzes performance enhancement, providing individuals with invaluable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By incorporating feedback into their workflow, individuals can refine their skills, streamline their processes, and optimize their performance, ultimately driving greater productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

Moreover, feedback cultivates a culture of collaboration and innovation. By encouraging open and constructive feedback from all levels, individuals gain diverse insights that stimulate creativity, spark innovation, and drive continuous improvement across teams.

What I Have Learned About Feedback

  • Be Open-Minded:  Approach feedback with an open mind, embracing it as an opportunity for growth and learning.  Sometimes it is hard, but try not to get defensive and do not deflect.  Remember, feedback is a gift you receive to focus on your personal growth.
  • Listen Actively:  When receiving feedback, seek to understand the perspectives and insights shared by others.
  • Ask Questions:  During the session, I will ask clarifying questions and will ask for elaboration on feedback to ensure a thorough understanding of the points raised. 
  • Reflect:  After receiving feedback, I take the time needed to reflect on feedback and process the insights and recommendations received.  Early in my career, I was easy to dismiss, but now I dig in.  Taking the feedback and identifying actionable steps for improvement.
  • Express Gratitude: I always express gratitude to those providing feedback.  I acknowledge their investment of time, effort, and insights shared towards my growth.    

Feedback is not merely a critique of past performance but a roadmap for future success. By embracing feedback with an open mind, cultivating a growth mindset, and leveraging insights to drive continuous improvement, individuals can unlock their full potential and thrive in today's dynamic and competitive workplace. 

With midyear reviews ahead of us, let's think about how we can change our mindset around feedback.  Let's face these conversations with a mindset of embracing feedback as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and excellence, propelling us toward greater heights of achievement and fulfillment in our professional endeavors.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thriving and Exceling though Understanding of the Skills Needed for Advancement

I have mentioned a few times that many employers aspire to be more than just an employer, they are aiming to be a destination employer.  A destination employer is a place where individuals not only come to work but thrive and excel.  To thrive and excel, one must understand the skills necessary not only to do the job, but to advance oneself within your company.

As I was thinking about how to start this week’s Thursday Thoughts, I kept coming back to a fundamental truth:  knowing the skills required to propel oneself forward in one’s role is paramount.  Whether in the realm of career advancement, personal growth, or societal contribution, understanding the competencies needed to thrive is akin to charting a course through uncharted waters.


At its very core, the importance of identifying necessary skills lies in its ability to serve as a compass, guiding individuals towards their desired destinations.  Thinking about desired destinations, do you know what skills you need to advance yourself at your place of work? 


Knowing the skills needed to advance oneself is not merely a matter of convenience; it's a strategic imperative. It empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of life with purpose and intentionality, propelling them towards their goals with confidence and clarity. 

As we embark on our respective journeys, let us embrace the pursuit of knowledge and skill acquisition as the catalysts for personal and collective growth. After all, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Unveiling the importance of Recognition in the Workplace: A Self-Assessment Journey

In corporate life, I believe ambition meets dedication, innovation fuels progress, and there exists a silent yet profound currency that can shape careers and catalyze success: recognition.

Being recognized at work isn't merely a superficial pat on the back; it's a cornerstone of motivation, engagement, and professional fulfillment.

So, let’s have a candid conversation about the significance of recognition in the workplace and explore how you can assess whether you are receiving the acknowledgment you deserve which sometimes is different than the acknowledgment we want.

The Essence of the Word:  Recognition

Recognition is more than just a fleeting moment of applause; it's a testament to one's contributions, dedication, and impact within an organization. Whether it's a word of appreciation from a colleague or a formal accolade from management, recognition validates our efforts and reaffirms our value to the team and the organization. It serves as a powerful motivator, igniting a sense of pride and accomplishment that fuels our drive to excel.


The Impact of Recognition

The ripple effects of recognition extend far beyond the individual receiving acknowledgment. A culture of recognition fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among colleagues, strengthening team cohesion and morale. Moreover, it acts as a catalyst for performance and productivity, inspiring individuals to go above and beyond in their roles. Studies have shown that organizations with robust recognition programs experience higher levels of employee engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction.


Assessing Recognition:  A Self-Reflection Journey

While the importance of recognition is undeniable, it’s essential for individuals to assess whether they are receiving the acknowledgment they deserve. 


Here are some key questions I use when I am reflecting on my own recognition wants:


  1. Do I feel Valued?  Reflect on how you perceive your contributions within the organization. Do you feel that your efforts are recognized and appreciated by your colleagues, technology leads and managers?
  2. Are my Achievements Acknowledged?  Are your accomplishments celebrated and acknowledged? Do you receive praise or recognition for your successes, big or small?
  3. Is Recognition Consistent?  I often wonder about the frequency and consistency of recognition within our organization.  Is acknowledgement a regular occurrence?  Or is it rushed, sporadic and inconsistent.  It really does matter!
  4. How does Recognition Impact my Motivation and Satisfaction? How does recognition (or the lack thereof) impacts your motivation, engagement, and overall satisfaction at work. Do you feel energized and motivated when your efforts are recognized, or do you feel demotivated and undervalued when they go unnoticed?


Recognition is important.  It is the thread that binds individuals to their organizations, fostering engagement, motivation and fulfillment.  By assessing whether we are receiving the recognition we deserve, we gain insights into our value within the workplace and can take proactive steps to seek acknowledgment for our contributions. Whether it's initiating conversations with supervisors, participating in recognition programs, or simply expressing gratitude to our colleagues, we can all play a role in cultivating a culture where recognition thrives. After all, in a world where our efforts often go unnoticed, a little acknowledgment can go a long way in shaping a more fulfilling and rewarding journey. 

Happy Thursday all,
