Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Embracing Growth: The Power of Personal Development Plans and Dreaming Big

As we embark on our journey of growth and development in 2024, I want to underscore the importance of not only setting goals but also dreaming big. 

Like really, really big.

Seriously, you must allow yourself space to imagine the possibilities beyond what you currently know or have experienced.

Dreaming big is not just about wishful thinking—it's about envisioning a future that excites and inspires you, a future where you have unlocked your fullest potential and achieved your wildest aspirations.

Here is why I believe dreaming big is an essential component of your personal development journey:

  1. Vision and Purpose: Dreaming big gives us a vision and a sense of purpose. It helps us define what success looks like on our own terms and clarifies the direction we want to move toward in our lives and careers. When we have a compelling vision to strive for, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused on our goals.
  2. Breakthrough Innovation: Some of the most groundbreaking innovations and advancements in history have stemmed from daring dreams and audacious goals. By allowing ourselves to dream big, we unleash our creativity and imagination, paving the way for innovative solutions to complex problems. As members of our team, each one of us has the potential to be a catalyst for positive change through our bold ideas and aspirations.
  3. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Dreaming big challenges, us to confront and overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding us back. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to expand our horizons, challenging the status quo and defying conventional wisdom. When we dare to dream big, we unlock new levels of potential within ourselves and discover what we are truly capable of achieving.
  4. Inspiration and Motivation: Big dreams inspire us to reach for the stars and strive for greatness. They fuel our motivation and drive, pushing us to push past obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity. When we anchor our personal development plans in our most audacious dreams, we tap into a wellspring of inner strength and resilience that propels us forward, even when the journey gets tough.
  5. Impact and Legacy: Dreaming big is not just about personal success—it is about making a meaningful impact and leaving a lasting legacy. When we pursue our dreams with passion and purpose, we have the potential to create positive change in our lives, our communities, and the world at large. By investing in our personal development and daring to dream big, we contribute to a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

As each of us embarks on our personal development journey, let us not forget to dream big and aim high. Our dreams have the power to shape our destinies and transform the world around us. Together, let us embrace the challenge of dreaming big and pursue our aspirations with courage, conviction, and unwavering determination.

Excited to be part of your journey and hearing about your big dreams within the personal development plan.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Exploring the Spectrum of Skill Sets from I to X

I recently embarked on a journey to learn more about the T-Shaped Skill Set, only to discover four other skill sets.  And, the skill sets vary widely, not just in what they encompass, but also in their breadth and depth. 

Regardless of where you are in your career, seeking personal development, or simply curious about the nature of skills), understanding these variations can be enlightening and help you navigate within your career path.

1. I-Shaped Skill Set |The "I-shaped" skill set is characterized by deep expertise in a specific area, resembling the letter "I" where the vertical stroke represents the depth of knowledge in a particular field. Individuals with an I-shaped skill set are specialists who have dedicated their time and efforts to mastering a narrow domain of expertise.

2. M-Shaped Skill Set |The "M-shaped" skill set is characterized by a moderate level of breadth across various domains, resembling the letter "M" where the peaks represent competency in multiple areas but without deep expertise in any single one. Individuals with an M-shaped skill set are often described as generalists with diverse skills and knowledge. 

3. T-Shaped Skill Set  |  Imagine the letter 'T,' with a broad horizontal bar representing a generalist's breadth of knowledge and a deep vertical stroke symbolizing a specialist's depth in one area. This is the T-shaped skill set—a blend of both breadth and depth. T-shaped individuals possess a strong foundation across multiple disciplines, complemented by expertise in a specific field. They can collaborate effectively across teams, bridging different areas of expertise while contributing specialized knowledge where needed.

4. V-Shaped Skill Set  |The "V-shaped" skill set is characterized by a combination of breadth and depth, resembling the letter "V" where the wide top represents a broad range of skills across various domains, and the pointed bottom represents a depth of knowledge in a specific area. Individuals with a V-shaped skill set, often referred to as "versatilists," possess both generalist and specialist qualities, allowing them to excel in diverse roles and environments.

5. X-Shaped Skill Set  |The "X-shaped" skill set is a comprehensive blend of both breadth and depth, symbolizing the crossing paths of generalist and specialist expertise, resembling the letter "X." Combining the best of both generalists and specialists, the expert-generalist is a master integrator. They possess a solid foundation of knowledge across multiple disciplines, coupled with deep expertise in one or two areas. Expert-generalists excel at synthesizing information from diverse sources, identifying patterns, and solving complex problems holistically. They thrive in interdisciplinary environments, where their ability to connect the dots and offer innovative solutions is highly valued.

Today, the demand for individuals with diverse skill sets is greater than ever. As I dug into each of these wonderful skill sets I recognized that while specialists bring deep expertise, generalists offer flexibility, and expert generalists bridge the gap between disciplines. The key lies in recognizing the value of both breadth and depth and cultivating a skill set that balances the two according to one's goals and aspirations.

I encourage you to assess where you are currently.  Are you an I, M, V, T, or X?  Do you aspire to be a specialist in your field, a versatile generalist, or something in between?

Assessing where you are and where you want to be will help guide your journey toward personal and professional growth.

Always, embrace your strengths, explore new horizons, and remember that true mastery often lies at the intersection of breadth and depth. 

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Raise Your Hand

It wouldn’t surprise you that I was recently reading articles on proactive risk management cultures and companies that are known for their sound practices. 

As I researched more and the names of those companies became known to me, one thing I recognized was a culture that encourages each of us as risk managers to raise our hand when they spot potential risks. 

We know at the heart of a proactive risk management culture is open communication, transparency and accountability.  This topic we discussed in last week's Thursday Thoughts (april 4).

But, a reminder is necessary.  Each and every one of us is a risk manager in our own right.  Whether you are a developer, engineer, architect, tester, analyst, manager, or scrum master, your actions and decisions have a direct impact on the risks we face. 

We often hear the term "risk manager" and immediately associate it with a specific department or individual responsible for assessing and mitigating risks. While it's true that some teams specialize in risk management, the reality is that risk management is everyone's responsibility. After all, who knows our systems, processes, and projects better than the individuals working on them day in and day out?

It's time for us to embrace this responsibility fully. We must recognize that identifying and addressing risks isn't something that happens only during scheduled meetings or audits—it's an ongoing effort that requires vigilance and proactive participation from each team member. That's why I'm reaching out to you today with a simple yet powerful message:  raise your hand when you see risky behavior. 

What do I mean by risky behavior? It could be anything from cutting corners to meet tight deadlines, neglecting security protocols, or overlooking potential flaws in our code. It could also involve ignoring warning signs or dismissing feedback from colleagues about potential risks. Whatever form it takes, risky behavior poses a threat to our customers, applications, projects, our reputation, and our portfolio as a whole.

So why is it essential for us to speak up when we observe risky behavior? Firstly, because it's the right thing to do. As professionals committed to delivering high-quality solutions, we owe it to ourselves and our stakeholders to uphold the highest standards of integrity and excellence. Turning a blind eye to risks not only jeopardizes our projects but also undermines the trust and confidence that others have placed in us.

Secondly, because our collective expertise is our most potent weapon against risk. Each of my squads has a collective expertise of 20 years +.  Each of us brings a unique set of skills, insights, and experiences to the table. By fostering a culture where open communication and constructive feedback are encouraged, we tap into the collective wisdom of our team and strengthen our ability to anticipate and mitigate risks effectively.

Lastly, our success as a team hinges on our ability to manage risks proactively. In today's hyperconnected world, where cyber threats, regulatory requirements, and market dynamics are constantly evolving, risk management isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a strategic imperative. By identifying and addressing risks early on, we position ourselves to deliver value more consistently, protect our assets more effectively, and seize opportunities with confidence.

So, my fellow risk managers 😉, I urge you to take ownership of your role in protecting our customers and safeguarding our applications, our portfolio, our division and our company. If you see something that doesn't sit right, if you sense a potential risk lurking beneath the surface, don't hesitate to speak up. Whether it's raising concerns with your team lead, initiating a dialogue during a meeting, or flagging an issue in our tracking system, your voice matters.

Together, let's embrace our roles as risk managers wholeheartedly. Let's cultivate a culture where risk awareness is ingrained in everything we do, where transparency and accountability are the norm, and where we stand united in our commitment to excellence.

Sincerely, thank you for your dedication, your expertise, and your unwavering commitment to excellence. Together, we will navigate the challenges ahead and emerge stronger, smarter, and more resilient than ever before.

Happy Thursday, 



Thursday, April 4, 2024

Embracing Errors as Opportunities for Growth

In our dynamic realm of teamwork, where collaboration, speed, and innovation reign supreme, it's inevitable that mistakes will be made along the way.  Whether it is a missed deadline, a miscommunication, or a project gone awry, errors happen - even to the most senior, dedicated and capable teams.  However, it is not the mistake itself that defines us, but rather how we choose to respond to it.  In these moments of adversity, the importance of accepting accountability as a team cannot be overstated.  By embracing accountability with a positive attitude, honesty, and a commitment to rebounding from setbacks, teams can transform errors into opportunities for growth and success. 

Accepting accountability as a team is not about pointing fingers or assigning blame; it's about taking collective ownership of the situation and working together to find the cause and solutions.  It requires a shared understanding that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process and an opportunity for reflection and improvement.  Instead of dwelling on the negativity of the situation, teams must approach errors with a positive attitude, viewing them as valuable lessons that can propel them towards greater success. 

Honesty is the cornerstone of team accountability.  It's about being transparent and forthright about the mistake, without fear of judgment or reprisal.  Honesty fosters trust and open communication within the team, creating a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable admitting their mistakes and seeking help when needed or raising their hand when they cannot deliver to an unrealistic timeframe.  By embracing honesty, teams can address issues more effectively and prevent them from escalating into larger problems down the line.  

Rebounding from a mistake as a team requires a proactive approach to problem-solving and collaboration.  Once accountability has been accepted, it's essential to come together as a team to identify the root cause of the error and develop a plan of action to address it.  This may involve conducting in-depth root cause analysis or lessons learned to develop a plan of action to address.  The plan will show progress with a focus on mitigating the risk of the error happening again, in the same way.  By working together towards a common goal, teams can rebound from setbacks with resilience and determination.  

Furthermore, rebounding from a mistake as a team provides an opportunity for collective growth and learning.  It allows team members to reflect on their processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes to prevent similar errors in the future.  By embracing accountability and learning from their mistakes, teams can become stronger, more cohesive, and better equipped to tackle future challenges. 

I can not stress enough the importance of first accepting accountability as a team.  By embracing accountability with a positive attitude, honesty, and a commitment to rebound from setback, teams can transform errors into opportunities for learning, growth, and success.  Henry Ford once said, "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing."  Let's embrace our mistakes as opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve greater heights as a team. 

Happy Thursday all,
