Thursday, October 17, 2024

Say No More to These 10 Common Phrases

When presenting, showing confidence is essential for building trust and engaging your audience. One way to enhance your credibility is by avoiding phrases that might unintentionally weaken your message.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve identified 10 common phrases I used to rely on in presentations. I’ve worked to eliminate these from my conversations, especially when presenting. Below are the phrases, why it’s helpful to avoid them, and what you can say instead to deliver your message with greater confidence and clarity:

  1. Avoid: "I think..."

    • Why: It can make your message seem uncertain. Research shows that speakers who express certainty are viewed as more authoritative and credible.
    • Say Instead: "I believe..." or "I’m confident that..."
  2. Avoid: "I’m sorry, but..."

    • Why: Over-apologizing can undermine your confidence. Studies show that unnecessary apologies can make a speaker seem less competent.
    • Say Instead: "I’d like to address..." or "Let’s consider..."
  3. Avoid: "I’ll try to..."

    • Why: It weakens your commitment. Assertive language builds trust and conveys determination, according to goal-setting research.
    • Say Instead: "I will..." or "I’m going to..."
  4. Avoid: "Does that make sense?"

    • Why: Asking this may signal self-doubt. Confident speakers are less likely to seek reassurance, and this can affect how others perceive your expertise.
    • Say Instead: "What are your thoughts on this?" or "Let me know if you have any questions."
  5. Avoid: "I’m not an expert, but..."

    • Why: It diminishes your authority. Studies show that downplaying your knowledge can cause doubt in your audience.
    • Say Instead: "Based on my experience..." or "In my research, I’ve found..."
  6. Avoid: "I’ll keep it short."

    • Why: This can suggest that your content isn’t important. Positive framing increases engagement and receptivity.
    • Say Instead: "Let’s dive into the key points."
  7. Avoid: "I’m just going to..."

    • Why: The word "just" can downplay the importance of what you’re about to say. Linguistic research shows that minimizing language weakens your statements.
    • Say Instead: "I’ll now..." or "Let’s move to..."
  8. Avoid: "This might be a stupid question, but..."

    • Why: It undermines your intelligence. Self-deprecating remarks can lower others’ perceptions of your competence.
    • Say Instead: "Here’s an important consideration..." or "Let’s explore this idea..."
  9. Avoid: "Hopefully..."

    • Why: It can signal a lack of control. Assertive language improves perceptions of confidence and competence.
    • Say Instead: "I expect..." or "I anticipate..."
  10. Avoid: "Bear with me..."

    • Why: It can make you seem unprepared. Confident speakers guide their audience without asking for leniency.
    • Say Instead: "Let’s move through this together..." or "We’ll take this step by step..."

By making small adjustments to your language, you can project more confidence and authority, ultimately making your presentations stronger and more impactful.

Happy Thursday all,


The Art of Public Speaking by Stephen Lucas
Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Incorporating Recognition into Our Day-to-Day Lives

As we continue to grow and achieve great things together, I want to take a moment to talk about something that's close to my heart: recognition. 

We all know how good it feels to be appreciated, but sometimes we get so caught up in our busy schedules that we forget to express that appreciation to others. I believe recognition isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s essential to our success and well-being. So, let's talk about how we can make recognition a natural part of our day-to-day lives.

Lead with Appreciation

It all starts with us. I’m committed to recognizing your hard work and contributions regularly. But it shouldn’t stop there—I encourage each of you to do the same. When you see a colleague doing something great, whether it’s delivering an exceptional project, lending a hand, or simply spreading positive energy, take a moment to acknowledge it. Let’s make it a habit to express our gratitude openly, whether in meetings, emails, or even a quick chat.

Create Moments for Recognition

Let’s make room for recognition in our daily routines. How about we start or end our meetings with a quick “gratitude round”? Each of us can share something we’re thankful for or recognize someone who’s gone the extra mile. It’s a simple way to set a positive tone and remind ourselves that every contribution matters.

Personal Reflection on Gratitude

I encourage each of you to consider keeping a gratitude journal. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy—just a place to jot down things you’re thankful for, including the support or teamwork you’ve experienced here. Reflecting on what we’re grateful for can help us stay grounded and focused on the positives, even on tough days.

Celebrating Together

Celebrating our wins is something we do well, but I want us to also celebrate the effort and collaboration that gets us there. Let’s recognize the journey, not just the destination. When we finish a big project or reach a milestone, let’s take the time to celebrate together, recognizing everyone’s contributions along the way.

Fostering a Positive Environment

Lastly, let’s commit to creating a positive environment where recognition and gratitude are a natural part of our culture. Encourage each other, give feedback with kindness, and let’s focus on the good we see in each other every day.

Recognition isn’t just about making others feel good—it’s about building a team where everyone feels valued, motivated, and supported. When we incorporate recognition into our daily lives, we create a stronger, more connected team. I’m excited to see how we can grow this culture of appreciation together.

Let’s make recognition a cornerstone of our culture!

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Bronze Revelation: Discovering Lord Shiva After 40 Years

In 1981, my parents attended an art auction and came home with a striking bronze statue. It was intricately detailed, with features that left us marveling at its craftsmanship. My mom, believing it to be a Buddhist figure, proudly displayed it in our home, where it became a fixture in our lives. For years, we admired its mystique, never fully understanding what it represented.

Fast forward to recently, when I was describing the statue to one of my team members during a one on one. She, a developer on my team was celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi, the Hindu festival honoring Lord Ganesha. As I described the statue—its cobras draped around the figure, a scroll in one hand, and the character stepping on a little man with horns—she paused, intrigued.

“Does the figure have a moon on his head?” she asked.
“Yes, actually,” I replied.
“And is there something like a river flowing from his hair?”
I thought for a moment. “Yes, there is.”
“And what about the object in his hand—could it be a conch shell?”
This threw me for a loop. “I thought it was a fish,” I admitted.

That’s when it hit her. She smiled and said, “That’s Lord Shiva!”

The Significance of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva, often called "The Destroyer" in Hinduism’s divine trinity, plays a critical role in the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. But Shiva’s destruction isn’t negative—it’s transformative. He clears the path for new beginnings, embodying the power of change and regeneration.

The moon on Shiva’s head represents his control over time, while the river flowing from his hair is the Ganges, symbolizing the purifying flow of life. The cobras represent his mastery over death, and the conch shell is a sacred object in Hinduism, signifying the sound of creation. Even the little man with horns that Shiva steps on has meaning—he represents ignorance, which Shiva crushes underfoot.

The Perfect Timing: Ganesh Chaturthi

What made the discovery even more special was the timing. We were in the middle of Ganesh Chaturthi, the festival that celebrates Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Ganesha is Shiva’s son, and the festival is a joyous occasion where Hindus honor Ganesha's wisdom, asking for blessings to overcome life's challenges.

It felt almost serendipitous that, during a festival focused on Ganesha, we would uncover the true identity of a statue depicting his father, Shiva. The timing was nothing short of perfect.

A Deeper Understanding

This revelation wasn’t just about identifying the statue’s origins. It was a moment of connection between cultures, a reminder of how art, faith, and curiosity can bring people together. My developer, with her knowledge of Hindu traditions, helped me see something that had been right in front of me for decades but had gone unnoticed.

The statue, with all its rich symbolism, became more than just a beautiful piece of art. It became a doorway into understanding a faith that, while different from my own, carries universal themes of transformation, wisdom, and overcoming ignorance.

The Broader Lesson

This experience has reminded me that there’s always more to discover, not just about the world around us but about the things we think we already know. Whether it’s a piece of art, a tradition, or a belief system, there is always an opportunity to learn and grow, often in the most unexpected ways.

And now, every time I look at that statue of Lord Shiva, I’m reminded of the intricate connections between the stories, symbols, and wisdom that shape our lives—whether they come from Hinduism, Christianity, or any other faith. The statue is no longer just an object in our home but a symbol of discovery, shared understanding, and the beauty of life’s unexpected revelations.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mastering the Art of Conversation: 10 Tips to Transform Anyone into a Skilled Conversationalist

Agree to disagree, but I believe that genuine conversation has become a rare skill. Whether you're networking at a professional event or catching up with friends, the ability to engage in meaningful conversation can open doors, build relationships, and even spark new ideas. Inspired by Celeste Headlee's TED Talk on how to have better conversations, here are ten actionable tips to help anyone become a more effective and engaging conversationalist.

1. Listen More Than You Speak

It might sound counterintuitive, but the key to a great conversation isn’t in what you say, but in how well you listen. Give your full attention to the person speaking, resist the urge to interrupt, and listen to understand, not just to respond.

2. Don’t Multitask

When you're in a conversation, be fully present. Multitasking—whether it's checking your phone or letting your mind wander—distracts you and diminishes the quality of the interaction. Commit to the moment and the person you’re speaking with.

3. Don’t Pontificate

Avoid lectures and one-sided opinions. Keep an open mind and be willing to engage with new ideas. A conversation should be a two-way exchange, where both parties feel heard and respected.

4. Use Open-Ended Questions

Instead of asking questions that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no," ask open-ended questions that invite deeper responses. For example, instead of asking, "Did you like the event?" try, "What did you think of the event?"

5. Go with the Flow

Be adaptable and allow the conversation to evolve naturally. If the other person brings up a new topic, don't feel the need to steer the conversation back to your original point. Embrace the spontaneity and see where it leads.

6. If You Don’t Know, Say So

It’s okay not to have all the answers. If you don’t know something, admit it. This honesty builds trust and shows that you're open to learning from others.

7. Don’t Equate Your Experience with Theirs

Avoid the temptation to compare your experiences to those of others. Each person’s story is unique, and drawing comparisons can make the conversation feel competitive rather than collaborative. Instead, focus on understanding their perspective.

8. Try Not to Repeat Yourself

Repeating the same points over and over can make a conversation feel stagnant. If you find yourself reiterating, it might be a sign to move on to a new topic or ask the other person for their thoughts.

9. Stay Out of the Weeds

Details can be important, but don’t get bogged down in them. Focus on the big picture and the core of what you want to communicate. Too many specifics can overwhelm or bore your conversation partner.

10. Be Brief

Time is valuable, and brevity is a sign of respect for the other person’s time. Make your points concisely and clearly, allowing space for the conversation to flow naturally.

Conversation is an art, and like any skill, it can be developed with practice. By applying these ten tips, anyone can become a better conversationalist, capable of engaging others in meaningful, impactful dialogue. Whether in personal or professional settings, these principles will help you connect more deeply with others, fostering relationships built on understanding, respect, and shared experiences.

If you want to learn more, check out Celeste Headlee's insightful TED Talk here. It's a treasure trove of wisdom on how to have conversations that truly matter.

Happy Thursday all,



Headlee, Celeste. 2015.  10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation.  TEDxCreativeCoast. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Stifling Power of Punishment: How Traditional Responses to Mistakes Hinder Growth and Innovation

In many traditional work environments, mistakes are often met with punishment, fear, and blame. This approach, rooted in the belief that negative consequences will deter errors, may seem logical on the surface. However, in practice, it creates a culture where mistakes are feared and hidden. As the saying goes, "A culture of fear and punishment drives mistakes underground."

This mentality not only stifles individual growth but also cripples the innovation necessary for an organization to thrive in a competitive and rapidly changing world.

The Cost of Fear and Blame

When mistakes are met with harsh consequences, employees naturally become more cautious, fearing the repercussions of failure. This fear can lead to a host of detrimental behaviors:

  • Risk Aversion: Employees may avoid taking on challenging tasks or proposing bold ideas, knowing that the potential for failure could lead to punishment. This risk aversion stifles creativity and limits the organization's ability to innovate.
  • Cover-Ups: In an environment where blame is the norm, individuals may hide their mistakes rather than owning up to them. This not only prevents the organization from learning from these errors but also creates a culture of distrust.
  • Low Morale: Constant fear of making a mistake can erode employee morale, leading to disengagement, decreased productivity, and high turnover rates.

The Need for a Growth-Oriented Culture

Instead of fostering a culture of fear, organizations should aim to create an environment that encourages learning from mistakes. This shift requires a fundamental change in how mistakes are perceived and addressed.

  1. Promote a Learning Mindset: Leaders should emphasize that mistakes are an inevitable part of growth and innovation. By viewing mistakes as opportunities for learning rather than as failures, employees are more likely to take risks and think creatively.

  2. Encourage Open Dialogue: Creating a safe space for employees to discuss their mistakes without fear of retribution is crucial. Open dialogue allows teams to analyze what went wrong, understand the root causes, and implement changes to prevent similar issues in the future.

  3. Lead by Example: Leaders should model the behavior they wish to see in their teams. By openly discussing their own mistakes and what they learned from them, leaders can help normalize the process of learning from failure.

  4. Reward Innovation: Recognizing and rewarding innovative ideas, even if they don't always succeed, sends a powerful message that the organization values creativity and is willing to embrace the risks that come with it.

Innovation Through Empowerment

In an era where innovation is key to survival, organizations can no longer afford to cling to outdated methods of managing mistakes. A culture that thrives on punishment and fear not only drives mistakes underground but also stifles the very creativity and risk-taking needed to propel the organization forward.

By fostering a culture that embraces mistakes as part of the learning process, organizations can unlock the full potential of their employees, leading to greater innovation, growth, and success. It’s time to move away from fear and blame, and toward empowerment and growth.

In this way, mistakes become not the end, but the beginning of new opportunities.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Ensuring Access to Essential Tools for Effective Performance

As we continue to push boundaries and strive for excellence, it’s crucial to underscore the significance of having the right tools at our disposal.


Each of us plays an integral part at our workplaces and on the collective journey towards success.  Your contributions are invaluable.  However, without the proper resources and tools, even the most skilled individuals can face unnecessary obstacles in achieving their goals.


Having the right tools isn’t just about convenience; it’s about empowering you to perform at your best.  Whether it’s software, equipment, or training materials, these resources are the backbone of our operations.  They enable us to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and ultimately deliver exceptional results to our clients and stakeholders.


Moreover, investing in the tools you need demonstrates our commitment to your professional growth and development.  By equipping you with the necessary resources, we are investing in your success and paving the way for greater accomplishments in the future.


I encourage each of you to communicate openly about any tools or resources you believe would enhance your ability to excel in your respective role with your technology lead, supervisor or manager.  


Continue to collaborate, innovate, and strive for excellence together.  Use your voice to ensure you have the right tools, but that your team does as well. 

After all, with the right tools in hand, there’s no limit to what you can achieve as a team.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Sweet Art of Patience: Lessons from Canning Jams and Jellies

In our fast-paced world, patience is often overlooked and undervalued. We crave instant gratification, seeking quick fixes and immediate results. Yet, true craftsmanship, whether in life or in the kitchen, requires patience. One delightful analogy for understanding the importance of patience is the timeless art of canning jams and jellies. This traditional practice not only results in delicious homemade preserves but also teaches us valuable lessons about the virtue of patience.

The Process of Canning: A Metaphor for Patience

Canning jams and jellies is a labor of love. It starts with selecting the freshest fruits, washing and preparing them meticulously, and then simmering them slowly to draw out their natural flavors and pectin. Each step demands careful attention and time, much like the stages of personal or professional growth.

1. Selecting the Ingredients: The Foundation of Patience

Just as a perfect batch of jam starts with the right fruits, any endeavor in life begins with solid foundations. Rushing to choose ingredients without care will only result in a subpar product. Similarly, hasty decisions in life often lead to unsatisfactory outcomes. Patience ensures that we make thoughtful choices, laying a strong foundation for success.

2. Simmering and Stirring: The Steady Pace of Progress

Once the ingredients are prepared, the mixture must be simmered slowly and stirred consistently. This stage is crucial—too much heat can ruin the batch, while too little can prevent it from setting properly. This mirrors our journey through life; pushing too hard too fast can lead to burnout, while not investing enough effort can lead to stagnation. Patience allows us to find the right balance, ensuring steady and sustainable progress.

3. Testing for Doneness: The Art of Waiting

Knowing when the jam or jelly is ready to be jarred requires experience and a keen eye. The mixture must reach the perfect consistency—too runny, and it won’t set; too thick, and it will be difficult to spread. This stage teaches us the importance of timing. Patience helps us recognize when the moment is right to take the next step, whether it's making a career move, launching a project, or pursuing a personal goal.

4. Canning and Sealing: The Final Stretch

Even after the perfect consistency is achieved, the process isn’t over. The mixture must be carefully ladled into sterilized jars, sealed, and processed in a water bath to ensure preservation. This final step requires precision and care, reinforcing the idea that the culmination of our efforts deserves as much attention and patience as the initial stages. Rushing at the end can undo all the hard work put in earlier.

Patience Yields Sweet Rewards

The reward for patience in canning is a batch of delicious, homemade jams and jellies that can be enjoyed for months. The fruits of our labor are tangible, delicious, and satisfying. Similarly, patience in life yields rewards that are worth the wait. Whether it's achieving a long-term goal, mastering a new skill, or building meaningful relationships, the results are often sweeter when time and care are invested.

Embracing Patience in Daily Life

  1. Mindful Decision-Making:
    • Take time to gather information and reflect before making decisions.
    • Avoid the impulse to seek quick fixes and instead opt for solutions that offer long-term benefits.
  2. Steady Effort:
    • Approach tasks and projects with consistent, measured effort.
    • Recognize that progress often comes in small, incremental steps rather than giant leaps.
  3. Timing and Reflection:
    • Understand the importance of timing in achieving success.
    • Be willing to wait for the right moment to act, rather than forcing outcomes prematurely.
  4. Appreciating the Process:
    • Find joy in the journey, not just the destination.
    • Embrace the learning and growth that come with the passage of time.

The art of canning jams and jellies offers a beautiful analogy for the importance of patience. Each step of the process, from selecting the ingredients to sealing the jars, teaches us that patience is not about waiting idly but about investing time and care into our actions. By embracing patience, we can create results that are not only satisfying but also enduring. Just like a perfect batch of homemade jam, the fruits of our patience are well worth the wait.

Some of you ask where I get my inspiration for my blog.  Funny, this one is directly related to losing three branches from our plum tree because of too much fruit. It's not a horrible problem having too much fruit until you don't shake the tree branches to avoid breakage. We didn't shake the limbs and thus did not relieve the branches of the added weight. I told my sons and their girlfriends to gather as much fruit from the branches and ground and we would figure out what to do with it all. Several baskets later, we were giving it away, eating it and then we realized there was just too much so we decided to make jam - specifically plum jam and spiced plum jam.  As I cut each plum, I thought about the end result of jam.  However, two hours into cutting plums I gave myself a pep talk on patience.  This is where The Sweet Art of Patience blog was born.  Hope you enjoy it as much as much family and neighbors enjoy the jam. 

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Intersection of Innovation and Project Management

In the rapidly evolving world of business, innovation is not just a buzzword—it's a necessity. Companies that fail to innovate, risk being left behind as competitors adapt and evolve. But innovation doesn't happen in a vacuum; it requires a structured approach that blends project management and change management to bring new ideas to life.

The Intersection of Innovation and Project Management

Project management is the backbone of any successful innovation. It provides the framework for turning creative ideas into tangible outcomes. Without a well-defined plan, even the most groundbreaking concepts can flounder. This is where the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin rings true: "Failure to plan is planning to fail."

In project management, this means setting clear objectives, defining roles and responsibilities, establishing timelines, and anticipating potential risks. A project plan acts as a roadmap, guiding the team from the initial spark of an idea to the final delivery. It ensures that resources are used efficiently, deadlines are met, and goals are achieved.

However, planning for innovation involves more than just ticking off tasks on a checklist. It requires flexibility, creativity, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The best project managers know how to balance structure with agility, allowing room for exploration while keeping the project on track.

The Role of Change Management in Driving Innovation

While project management focuses on the "what" and "how" of innovation, change management addresses the "who" and "why." Innovation often requires significant changes within an organization—new processes, new technologies, and new ways of thinking. Change management is essential for ensuring that these changes are embraced and implemented effectively.

Change management involves understanding the impact of innovation on people and addressing any resistance that may arise. It’s about communicating the benefits of the new approach, providing the necessary training and support, and fostering a culture that values continuous improvement. When employees are on board with the change, they are more likely to contribute positively to the innovation process.

Combining project management with change management creates a powerful synergy. Project management ensures that the innovation process is organized and goal-oriented, while change management ensures that the people involved are engaged and motivated to make the innovation a success.

Planning for Innovation Success

To successfully embrace innovation, organizations must adopt a holistic approach that integrates both project management and change management. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  1. Start with a Clear Vision: Define what innovation means for your organization and how it aligns with your overall strategy. This vision will guide your planning and decision-making processes.
  2. Develop a Flexible Plan: While it's important to have a detailed plan, leave room for adjustments. Innovation is inherently uncertain, and being able to pivot when necessary is crucial.
  3. Engage Stakeholders Early: Involve key stakeholders in the planning process from the beginning. Their input and buy-in are essential for overcoming resistance and ensuring a smooth implementation.
  4. Communicate Effectively: Regular communication is vital throughout the innovation process. Keep everyone informed about progress, challenges, and successes to maintain momentum and support.
  5. Measure and Adapt: Continuously monitor the progress of your innovation initiatives and be willing to make changes as needed. Use feedback and data to refine your approach and improve outcomes.

Embracing innovation requires a balanced approach that combines the structured discipline of project management with the human-centric focus of change management. By planning effectively and engaging people throughout the process, organizations can turn innovative ideas into reality and drive lasting success. Remember, "Failure to plan is planning to fail," but with the right strategies in place, failure is not an option.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Finding Fulfillment: Embracing Joy in Your Current Role

Years ago, I found myself working for C.S. Frisbie (aka Scott) in a newly formed Infrastructure Architecture function within our firms technology division. Scott, a seasoned pro with extensive experience at IBM, as a technology entrepreneur, and as a soldier in the U.S. military.  He recruited five leaders with unique skillsets to help him execute on his vision. 

One of Scott’s first actions was to address the change needed to revive the role of architect at the firm. He shared his vision, inspiring the team to rally around a common goal and commit to the transformation plan we had developed.

About a month or so in, Scott gave us all a book that still sits on my shelf today: Secrets of Special Ops Leadership: Dare the Impossible–Achieve the Extraordinary by William A. Cohen. This book made me think about jobs differently, my mindset shifted and I began to focus on the importance of finding joy in the job you have.

Finding Joy in Your Current Job 

In times of change, it's natural to reassess our career paths. Cohen’s book reminds us that finding joy in our job isn’t just about fulfilling a role; it’s about discovering a mission that resonates deeply with who we are and what we strive to achieve. Like special operations teams, where each member plays a vital role tailored to their strengths, we can find fulfillment in our current roles by recognizing how our skills and passions align with our work.

Unleashing Your Unique Potential 

One key takeaway from Cohen’s insights is the importance of recognizing and leveraging our unique potential. Each of us brings a distinct set of skills, experiences, and perspectives to the table. Embracing our individual strengths enhances our own fulfillment and contributes more effectively to our team's success. This mindset empowers us to approach change with optimism and resilience, knowing we have something valuable to offer in any evolving scenario.

Aligning Passion with Purpose 

Joy in our job isn’t solely about technical skills or career milestones; it’s about aligning our passion with our purpose. When we engage in work that aligns with our core values and personal mission, we are more likely to thrive and achieve extraordinary results. Reflect on what truly motivates and drives your professional aspirations. By focusing on aspects of your current job that ignite your passion and challenge you to grow, you can create a fulfilling career path that aligns with your long-term goals.

Navigating Change Together 

Change often brings opportunities for growth and new possibilities. It’s a chance to explore different facets of our potential and redefine our professional narratives. As a team, let's support each other in this journey of self-discovery and career development. Share insights, mentor each other, and celebrate successes along the way. Together, we can navigate change with confidence and embrace the opportunities it presents to find joy in our current roles.

Remember that finding joy in your job is not just a destination but a journey of self-discovery and growth. Let’s draw inspiration from Cohen’s teachings and dare to pursue the extraordinary within our current roles. As we navigate change together, let’s strive to find fulfillment in the work that aligns with our passions, values, and aspirations.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, August 15, 2024

She Believed She Could, So She Did

The phrase "She Believed She Could, So She Did" is more than just a catchy mantra; it's a powerful statement that encapsulates the essence of female empowerment. For girls and women, this belief in their own potential is crucial to overcoming the obstacles that society, circumstances, and even self-doubt can place in their paths. This mindset is particularly important in a world that still presents gender-based challenges in both personal and professional arenas. Through organizations like Soroptimist International of Lincoln, women can not only embrace this message for themselves but also help reinforce it in the lives of others.

The Importance of "She Believed She Could, So She Did"

Belief in oneself is the cornerstone of success. For girls and women, this belief can often be hard-won, requiring resilience and determination. "She Believed She Could, So She Did" reflects the journey of overcoming barriers—be they societal expectations, professional challenges, or personal struggles. It speaks to the power of confidence and the incredible things that can be achieved when women believe in their abilities.

This message is particularly important for young girls, who are often subjected to stereotypes and limiting beliefs from an early age. By internalizing this phrase, they can learn to trust their instincts, take risks, and pursue their passions without fear of failure. For adult women, especially those navigating the complexities of balancing career, family, and personal growth, this mindset serves as a reminder that they are capable of achieving whatever they set their minds to.

Reinforcing the Message Through Soroptimist International of Lincoln

Soroptimist International of Lincoln is dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls through programs that lead to social and economic empowerment. As members, women have a unique opportunity to reinforce the message of "She Believed She Could, So She Did" by engaging in initiatives that provide mentorship, education, and support to those who need it most.

  1. Mentorship and Role Modeling: Women in professional fields can volunteer their time to mentor young girls and other women, sharing their experiences and lessons learned along the way. By doing so, they not only pass on valuable knowledge but also serve as living examples of what is possible when one believes in oneself.

  2. Educational Programs: Soroptimist International of Lincoln offers programs like the "Live Your Dream Awards," which provide financial assistance to women who are the primary financial support for their families and who are seeking to improve their education, skills, and employment prospects. Dream It! Be It!, a program that goes into high schools and through a curriculum helps girls believe in themselves and realize they can be a leader.  These programs empower women to take control of their futures, reinforcing the idea that they can achieve their dreams through belief and action.

  3. Advocacy and Awareness: By advocating for policies that support women's rights and gender equality, members of Soroptimist International of Lincoln can help create a society where all women and girls are encouraged to believe in their potential. Whether through community outreach, public speaking, or social media campaigns, these efforts can amplify the message and inspire others to adopt this empowering mindset.

Applying the Message in Professional and Personal Life

In professional life, women can apply the "She Believed She Could, So She Did" mindset by setting ambitious goals and pursuing them with determination. This could mean striving for leadership positions, starting a business, or breaking into a traditionally male-dominated field. By believing in their own capabilities, women can push past the limitations that external expectations might impose.

In personal life, this mindset can be equally transformative. It encourages women to prioritize their well-being, pursue hobbies and passions, and make choices that align with their values and desires. Whether it's embarking on a new fitness journey, taking up a creative hobby, or making time for self-care, believing in oneself is key to living a fulfilling and balanced life.

The phrase "She Believed She Could, So She Did" is a powerful affirmation of the potential that lies within every girl and woman. Through the efforts of Soroptimist International of Lincoln, this message can be reinforced and spread, creating a ripple effect that empowers countless others. By believing in themselves and supporting one another, women can continue to break barriers and achieve extraordinary things in both their personal and professional lives.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Power of Disciplined Decision-Making: An Essential Leadership Quality

In our world of technology, where rapid changes and complex challenges are the norm, disciplined decision-making stands out as a critical leadership quality. 

Leaders who apply discipline to their decision-making processes not only navigate uncertainties effectively but also drive their teams toward sustained success and innovation. Let's delve into the significance of disciplined decision-making and how it can be cultivated as an essential leadership quality.

Understanding Disciplined Decision-Making

Disciplined decision-making is the practice of making well-considered, rational decisions based on a structured approach. It involves:

  • Gathering Relevant Information: Ensuring decisions are based on comprehensive and accurate data.
  • Analyzing Options Thoroughly: Weighing the pros and cons of various alternatives.
  • Considering Long-term Implications: Evaluating the potential long-term impact of decisions.
  • Seeking Diverse Perspectives: Incorporating insights from different stakeholders to enrich the decision-making process.
  • Staying Committed to the Process: Adhering to a consistent decision-making framework, even under pressure.

Why Disciplined Decision-Making Matters

  1. Enhances Clarity and Focus: A disciplined approach cuts through the noise, helping leaders focus on what truly matters. It brings clarity to complex situations, making it easier to identify the best course of action.
  2. Reduces Risk and Uncertainty: By thoroughly analyzing options and considering various outcomes, disciplined decision-making minimizes the risks associated with impulsive or poorly thought-out decisions.
  3. Builds Trust and Credibility: Consistently making well-informed decisions enhances a leader's credibility. Teams are more likely to trust and follow leaders who demonstrate sound judgment and reliability.
  4. Drives Sustainable Success: Decisions made with discipline are more likely to yield sustainable results. Such decisions consider long-term implications, ensuring the team and organization remain on a successful trajectory.
  5. Promotes Accountability: A structured decision-making process promotes accountability. Leaders can trace back their decisions, understand the rationale behind them, and learn from any outcomes, positive or negative.

Cultivating Disciplined Decision-Making

To embed disciplined decision-making consider the following strategies:

  1. Establish a Clear Framework: Develop and adhere to a decision-making framework that outlines the steps to be taken. This can include setting criteria for information gathering, analysis, and evaluation.
  2. Prioritize Data-Driven Decisions: Make decisions based on solid data and evidence. Invest in tools and systems that provide accurate and timely information to support your decision-making process.
  3. Encourage Collaborative Input: Involve your team and other stakeholders in the decision-making process. Diverse perspectives can provide valuable insights and uncover potential blind spots.
  4. Stay Objective and Unbiased: Strive to remain objective and free from biases. Be aware of cognitive biases that can cloud judgment and actively work to mitigate them.
  5. Embrace a Learning Mindset: View each decision as an opportunity to learn. Reflect on past decisions, analyze their outcomes, and use these insights to refine your decision-making process.
  6. Balance Speed and Deliberation: While it's important to be thorough, avoid getting bogged down in analysis paralysis. Strike a balance between making timely decisions and ensuring they are well-considered.

Disciplined decision-making is an indispensable quality for effective leadership. In the fast-paced and often uncertain realm of technology, leaders who can apply a structured, rational approach to their decisions will guide their teams with clarity, build trust, and drive sustainable success.

Let us all commit to fostering disciplined decision-making. By doing so, we can ensure that our decisions are not only sound, but also pave the way for innovation, growth, and lasting achievements.

Embrace the power of disciplined decision-making, and lead with confidence and clarity. Together, we can achieve remarkable outcomes and propel our team to new heights of success.

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Power of Assuming Good Intentions: Transforming Attitudes and Enhancing Mental Health

Everyday interactions can be misunderstood, leading to conflicts and stress. I recently had one such interaction that bothered me until I took a step back and applied a simple yet powerful approach: assuming good intentions. Adopting this mindset can transform our attitudes, improve our relationships, and significantly enhance our mental health.

The Concept of Assuming Good Intentions

I first encountered the idea of assuming good intentions in 2001 during an executive leadership retreat led by Greg Hicks from FosterHicks. Recently, a colleague and I discussed this practice, and they sent me a video of Mel Robbins talking about good intent. Watching it, I realized it perfectly encapsulated what I was talking about.

Assuming good intentions means believing that others are generally trying to do their best, even when their actions or words seem confusing or hurtful. This doesn’t mean ignoring negative behavior but rather interpreting interactions with the mindset that others are not out to harm us. This practice can create a positive shift in how we perceive and respond to others.

Benefits to Attitude

  1. Reduces Defensive Reactions: When we assume others mean well, we’re less likely to react defensively, helping to de-escalate potential conflicts and promote constructive communication.
  2. Fosters Empathy: Considering that someone might be struggling or have valid reasons for their behavior allows us to respond with kindness and support rather than judgment.
  3. Encourages Open-Mindedness: Assuming good intentions helps us stay open-minded, making it easier to understand different perspectives and fostering a more inclusive and collaborative environment.
  4. Enhances Positivity: A positive outlook on others' intentions can enhance our overall attitude towards life, improving the atmosphere around us and encouraging others to adopt a similar mindset.

Impact on Mental Health

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Constantly doubting others’ intentions can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. Assuming good intentions alleviates this mental burden, leading to a calmer state of mind.
  2. Promotes Emotional Resilience: Trusting in others’ good intentions makes us more resilient to misunderstandings and conflicts, better equipping us to handle emotional ups and downs.
  3. Improves Relationships: Healthy relationships are crucial for mental well-being. Assuming good intentions fosters trust and open communication, foundational for strong and supportive relationships.
  4. Encourages Self-Compassion: This mindset extends to how we treat ourselves. By practicing kindness towards others, we often become more compassionate towards ourselves, reducing self-criticism and promoting a healthier self-image.

Now that you know the benefits of assuming good intentions, let's talk about where you can start.  

Here are a five tips to start assuming good intentions:

  1. Pause and Reflect: Before reacting to someone’s words or actions, take a moment to pause and reflect on the possibility of good intentions behind them.
  2. Communicate Openly: If something bothers you, communicate your feelings openly but kindly. Often, misunderstandings are cleared up through honest conversations.
  3. Practice Empathy: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Consider what they might be going through that could explain their behavior.
  4. Let Go of Control: Understand that you cannot control others' actions, but you can control your response. Choose to respond with kindness and understanding.
  5. Seek Positive Intent: Actively look for positive reasons behind others’ actions. Even if you can’t find them, the act of searching can shift your mindset towards positivity.

Assuming good intentions is a powerful tool for transforming our attitudes and enhancing our mental health. By embracing this mindset, we can reduce stress, build stronger relationships, and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. 

In a world that often feels divided and contentious, assuming good intentions can be a beacon of hope and a path to greater emotional well-being.

So, the next time you face a challenging interaction, pause and consider the possibility of good intentions. You might be surprised at how much it changes your perspective and enriches your life.

Happy Thursday all,



Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Importance of Punctuality: Building the Habit of Being On Time for Meetings

In a call yesterday, I lost my cool. 

The day started at 4:30 am PST and by noon had been in a series of meeting overruns where each meeting was not starting or ending on time, causing a domino effect.  By noon, I was so frustrated and, in my frustration, might have lost my composure telling the team we needed to do better to be on time.

My son describes this "losing my composure" as the Gemini twin showing herself.  He recently described the Gemini twin to his girlfriend, Jess, by comparing me to the character Galadriel in Lord of the Rings.  He told his girlfriend that the mom she knows is Galadriel when she is normal.  The mom she doesn't know is the Gemini twin which is pretty on point with Galadriel when she rejected the one ring from Frodo.  Of course, it included him showing Jess the video linked below.  After watching the video, Jess asked if this was true, I said, "100%  Don't mess with the Gemini twin."   Followed by a laugh.  I do think she is now scared to death of me as some of you LOTR fans may now be too.  LOL. 

Galadriel refusing the One Ring (3:20 in video)

Back to the point of the message this week ... punctuality. 

Reflecting on why punctuality matters took me back to one of my instructor's comments when I was obtaining my Six Sigma Black Belt. His comment was on the cost to the company when meetings do not start or end on time.

Let’s break down the cost of punctuality lapses when meetings do not adhere to their scheduled times.  Seriously, the financial impact on a corporation can be significant. The costs are around:

  1. Wasted Salaries
    • If a 10-person meeting starts 10 minutes late, that’s 100 minutes of wasted time. If each employee earns $50 per hour, that’s over $80 lost for just one meeting. Multiply this by the number of meetings per week, and the costs add up quickly.
  2. Decreased Productivity
    • Late meetings often result in unfinished agendas, leading to follow-up meetings or incomplete tasks. This ripple effect can cause project delays and missed deadlines, ultimately affecting the company's bottom line.
  3. Lower Employee Morale
    • Consistently late meetings can frustrate employees, lowering morale and engagement. Disengaged employees are less productive, and high turnover rates can increase hiring and training costs.
  4. Lost Opportunities
    • Time is money, and every minute spent waiting for a meeting to start is a minute that could be used for strategic planning, customer interactions, or innovation. Delays can result in lost business opportunities and reduced competitive advantage.

Why Punctuality Matters

1. Respect for Others' Time

When you arrive on time, you demonstrate respect for your colleagues' schedules. Meetings often involve multiple participants, and a delay caused by one person can waste everyone else's time. This respect fosters a positive work environment and mutual respect among team members.

2. Professionalism

Punctuality is a key indicator of professionalism. It shows that you are organized, dependable, and serious about your responsibilities. Being late, on the other hand, can create a negative impression, suggesting a lack of preparation or commitment.

3. Efficiency and Productivity

Timely meetings are essential for maintaining the momentum of projects. Starting and ending meetings as scheduled ensures that discussions are focused and productive, helping to keep the team on track and meet deadlines more effectively.

4. Stress Reduction

Rushing to meetings or worrying about being late can cause unnecessary stress. By being punctual, you can avoid this anxiety, allowing you to approach meetings with a calm and focused mindset.

5. Building Trust

Consistently being on time builds trust among colleagues and supervisors. It signals that you are reliable and can be counted on to fulfill your commitments, which is crucial for team cohesion and effective collaboration.

Tips for Building the Habit of Punctuality

1. Plan Ahead

Anticipate potential delays by planning your journey to the meeting location. Factor in extra time for unexpected events like traffic if the meeting is in person or technical issues if the meeting is virtual.

2. Set Reminders

Use Outlook or other calendar apps to set reminders for upcoming meetings. Schedule alerts 15 to 30 minutes before the meeting starts to give yourself ample time to prepare and get to the location.

3. Prioritize Meetings

Recognize the importance of meetings in your schedule. Treat them with the same priority as deadlines and other critical tasks, and avoid overbooking yourself.  Not only do I prioritize, but I also color coordinate my calendar to classify meetings by topics or applications. 

4. Prepare in Advance

Have all necessary materials ready before the meeting. This might include reviewing the agenda, preparing documents, or ensuring your technology is set up for virtual meetings.  If you are hosting a meeting, send out the agenda and other documentation a few days in advance of the meeting.  If it's an all day meeting, send out agenda and documentation a week in advance to allow preparation in the event travel is included. 

5. Establish a Routine

Create a daily routine that incorporates time management strategies. Regularly check your calendar, allocate specific times for different tasks, and make punctuality a non-negotiable part of your work ethic.

6. Communicate

If you know you will be late, communicate with the meeting organizer and other participants as soon as possible. This shows respect and allows them to adjust the schedule if necessary.

7. Reflect and Adjust

After each meeting, reflect on what went well and what didn’t. If you find yourself consistently late, analyze the reasons and adjust your habits or schedule accordingly.

To wrap up, punctuality is a valuable trait that enhances personal reputation and team dynamics. By respecting others' time, demonstrating professionalism, and maintaining efficiency, you contribute positively to your workplace environment. Building the habit of punctuality requires intentional effort and planning, but the benefits far outweigh the costs. By adopting these strategies, you can become a more reliable and respected professional, ultimately contributing to your personal success and the success of your team.

Now I need to follow this practice or "eat my own dogfood".  :)

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Why I Became a Goal Digger and Why You Should Consider Doing the Same

This week, my dear friend gave me a new placard that read “Goal Digger.” Immediately, my mind started playing Kanye’s "Gold Digger," but once I shook off that earworm, I realized that I am the ultimate goal digger—and you should consider being one too.

In our world, success often hinges on clarity, focus, and relentless drive. The journey of setting ambitious objectives and tirelessly pursuing them has not only led to tangible achievements but also a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Here's why I embraced the goal digger mindset and why you should consider doing the same.

My Journey to Becoming a Goal Digger

Clarity in Vision

The first step towards becoming a goal digger was gaining clarity about what I wanted to achieve. Setting specific and measurable goals helped me crystallize my vision, making it easier to navigate the path ahead. Whether it was advancing my career, improving my health, or contributing to mental health and wellness causes, clear goals provided a roadmap for success.

Focus and Direction

Once my goals were defined, they became my compass. This focus helped me channel my energy and resources towards activities that aligned with my objectives. I learned to prioritize tasks that brought me closer to my goals, eliminating distractions and ensuring that every action had a purpose.

Motivation and Perseverance

Pursuing ambitious goals ignited a fire within me. The desire to achieve something meaningful kept me motivated, even during challenging times. Each step forward, no matter how small, reinforced my commitment and fueled my perseverance. The setbacks became learning experiences, and the victories, however minor, became stepping stones to greater accomplishments.

Personal and Professional Growth

The journey of goal-setting and achievement was a continuous learning process. I developed new skills, expanded my knowledge, and built resilience along the way. These experiences not only enhanced my capabilities but also boosted my confidence, proving that I could overcome obstacles and achieve what I set my mind to.

Sense of Purpose

Above all, being a goal digger gave my life a profound sense of purpose. Each goal I pursued aligned with my values and passions, particularly my dedication to mental health and wellness. This alignment made my efforts more meaningful, transforming my actions into a mission that contributed to a greater good.

Why You Should Consider Becoming a Goal Digger

Achieve Your Full Potential

Setting and pursuing goals allows you to tap into your full potential. It challenges you to push beyond your comfort zone, uncovering strengths and abilities you might not have known you possessed. By embracing the goal digger mindset, you can achieve extraordinary things and realize your true potential.

Create a Clear Path to Success

Goals provide a clear path to success. They act as a roadmap, guiding your actions and decisions. With well-defined objectives, you can navigate your journey with confidence, knowing exactly where you're headed and what steps to take to get there.

Stay Motivated and Focused

Having clear goals keeps you motivated and focused. The desire to achieve something meaningful drives you to stay committed, even when faced with challenges. Each milestone reached and each success achieved reinforces your determination, propelling you forward.

Experience Personal Growth

The pursuit of goals fosters personal growth. Along the way, you'll acquire new skills, gain valuable experiences, and build resilience. This continuous growth enhances your capabilities and prepares you for future challenges, making you more adaptable and resourceful.

Make a Meaningful Impact

By aligning your goals with your passions and values, you can make a meaningful impact. Whether it's advancing your career, improving your community, or contributing to a cause you care about, the goal digger mindset enables you to create positive change and leave a lasting legacy.

Find Fulfillment and Satisfaction

Achieving your goals brings a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. The journey itself, with all its ups and downs, becomes a source of pride and accomplishment. Each success story you create adds to your sense of self-worth and happiness.

Becoming a goal digger has been a transformative experience for me, providing clarity, motivation, growth, and a sense of purpose.  I encourage you to consider adopting this mindset as well.  Set your sights high, define your goals clearly, and pursue them with passion and determination. Embrace the journey, learn from the challenges and celebrate the victories.  By becoming a goal digger, you can unlock your full potential, achieve remarkable success, and lead a fulfilling, impactful life.  

So, go ... dig deep, aim high, and go after your goals with unwavering resolve. 

Happy Thursday all,


Sunday, June 30, 2024

She believed she could, so she did.

It is with immense gratitude and profound honor that I stand before you today as the incoming president of this remarkable organization.

I have been blessed with amazing, loving parents, and for a moment I want to highlight my mother, Sandra Rea. Her constant support, belief, and advocacy in my life have been invaluable. In my youth, she would remind me that the three barriers to my success were Me, Myself, and I.

Through my travels, within my career, and mentoring through my place of work and Women in Technology, I've realized many women and girls do not have someone like my mother in their corner. Wherein lies our opportunity to serve.  This inspired our theme for the year: "She believed she could, so she did."

Growing up, our refrigerator displayed a quote from Henry Ford: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." This captures our theme, emphasizing the power of belief in unlocking our potential.

This simple yet powerful phrase, "She believed she could, so she did", embodies the spirit of Soroptimist. It speaks to the courage, determination, and belief that women around the world possess. It is this belief that drives countless women to overcome obstacles, break barriers, and achieve their dreams.

As Soroptimists, we are part of a global movement that empowers women and girls to reach their full potential. Our mission is to inspire confidence and self-belief. When a woman believes in herself, there is no limit to what she can achieve.

Over the years, I have witnessed the incredible impact of our programs. I've seen women gain the skills and resources they need to build better lives through the Live Your Dream Award. I've seen girls, who once doubted their worth, stand tall and proud, ready to take on the world through the Soroptimist Santa, Teen Esteem, and Dream It, Be It Program.

Today, as I step into the role of president, I am inspired by the stories of success and resilience that have brought us here. I am humbled by the tenacity of our charter members: Jean, Alysia, and Jerri, who 20 years ago saw a need to bring women together and made it happen. I am committed to continuing this legacy of empowerment so that even more women and girls can say, "I believed I could, so I did."

Our journey ahead is filled with opportunities. As someone deeply passionate about mental health and wellness, I recognize the growing prevalence of depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders, particularly those unique to women, such as depression during hormonal changes. It's a worthy cause and highly appropriate for the Presidential Passion Program to create safe spaces where these conversations can occur without stigma, allowing women and girls to thrive without fear or limitation.

However, we cannot achieve this alone.  We need the collective strength and support of our members, sponsors, and the entire Lincoln community.  Each one of us has a vital role to play in bringing this vision to life.  Let's draw inspiration from one another, celebrate our successes, and learn from our challenges.  Together, we can create a future where mental health and wellness are prioritized and everyone can flourish.  

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." As Soroptimists, we believe in the beauty of every woman's dream. We are here to nurture those dreams and turn them into reality.

Members, thank you for your advocacy, dedication, passion, and belief in our mission.

Together, we will continue to inspire, empower, and transform lives. 

Together, we will prove that when a woman believes she can, she truly can.

Thank you. 
