Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gratitude Challenge - Day Two

1) I am grateful for my boys
Through children, I learned the true meaning of unconditional love. I remember vividly snuggling them as infants. I can remember the smell of their hair. The smile on their faces. Trying to protect them from everything wrong with the world today. But most of all wanting them to know every second of every day that they are loved. ... Each boy is so different, but I am so proud of each of them:
Brandon – Brilliant, Funny, Kind, Loyal
Devon – Loving, Independent, Determined, Talented
Justin – Charming, Gentle, Honest, Humble 
As far as “gratefulness” goes, I am so grateful to be their mom. To have shared their world. To have been included in their personal journeys. To say that I am close to my boys is an understatement, they are my heart. And as sappy as that sounds, it is true. I am a better person, because of them.

2) I am grateful for my family
Media presents just crazy representations of the American extended family. If anyone had reason to be crazy it would be mine, but they are definitely not.
I am grateful for my siblings spouses. Dusty and Sharon. Both amazing people who seemed to just fit in with the craziness which is REA.
I am grateful for my nieces and nephews. Meghann, Tommy, Michael, Jackie, Erin, Chelsea, Christopher, Casey, Elizabeth and Julianne. I see a generation of passionate humans who are making the world better because they are in it. And, as I love my boys, I love each of them. Spoiled by the time I got to spend with Meggie, Tommy and Mikey, I often regret not having had more time with each of them individually. But, I sure hope they know how much I love them and that there is nothing I wouldn't do for them. And that I am so proud to be their Aunt.
I am grateful for my aunts and uncles and cousins who share a genetic thread, but beyond that truly care for each other. I have too many memories here and would probably embarrass the lot of them. I love watching family together, hearing the stories, tears, laughter the whole thing. So, I will say this with a focus on gratitude. I am grateful for having solid role models in each of you. I am grateful for being genuinely loved by each of you.
There are four people that aren’t blood but that I absolutely consider my family.
Grandma Mecklem and Archie. Now Jackie Mecklem wasn’t related to me at all, but she loved me like I was her granddaughter. And, not having known my grandparents, that meant the world to me. Mecklem introduced me to farm living which calls to me still. Mecklem taught me patience. Archie, a Navy man, fueled my independent spirit. To this day, Mecklem and Archie are treasures to me.
I will be forever grateful for their love. Randy Orzalli. I am not going to do this one justice. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Your love for my husband and boys is limitless.
Jeanne Tabatabai. Complete opposite of me, but I am convinced that Jeanne was a sister in another life. We live too far away, but I am always thinking about her. Planning trips in my head with her. She is in my heart. I am grateful to have her in my life.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Gratitude Challenge - Day One

I'm grateful that Robyn nominated me for this challenge. She knows that I have been restless, dark and probably a bit ungrateful lately. I could use a good reminder of how richly blessed I am.

1) I am grateful for my parents:...
Mom. For loving me unconditionally and for showing me how to love others as well. For showing me grace (even when I didn’t deserve it). For offering your shoulder along with the kleenex. For believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. For reminding me that I alone am enough. For teaching me strength and allowing me to be independent. For modeling what a Best Friend is. I love you Mom.
Dad. For your gift of gab and crazy ability for story telling. For your love of our heritage. For your passion around politics. For encouraging me to have a voice. For demonstrating a strong work ethic. I love you Dad.

2) I am grateful for my siblings: My brother and sister were my introduction to friendship - my very first Best Friends. And they were good friends. So many beautiful memories. Being told to say sneaker and snake (over and over again). Eating Texas donuts. Cannon Beach. Staying together – always having each others backs - as we moved again and again and again.
Chris (Buckwheat). For commitment to family. For a love of free enterprise. For conviction, dedication and demonstrating hard work.
Shelly (Wheezer). Too much, but I will say this. Thank you for being you and allowing me to be uniquely me. I love you both tremendously.