Saturday, June 1, 2013

Long Drive to Results

Driving execution is someone else's job....right? Nope! What differentiates extraordinary leaders from everyday managers is that the former demonstrate an active role in executing plans — not just in producing them. And in demonstrating execution, they model “drive for results”.

Drive for results is more complex in fluid or fungible organizations. Understanding and learning to leverage people, process and technology is required, but also enabling connections between the three in order to align them with vision and strategy.

With the goal to realize the vision and strategy, it is disheartening to review current statistics that reveal 70% of companies fail to implement their strategy. Shocking number when you think of the investment—time, money, reputation—that goes into strategy implementation.

Architecture was one of the last classes I took for my Masters degree. One of my favorite learnings from the class? Architects bring clarity to chaos. Another lesson was the importance of not only thinking big, deep thoughts, but having the ability to drive them to execution.

Tying this back to The Extraordinary Leader, Zenger and Folkman identify the following behaviors to demonstrate the activities necessary to drive for results:
  • Aggressively pursue all assignments and projects until completion.
  • Do everything possible to meet goals and deadlines. Identify actions, assign accountability and align communications, people and processes to deliver results.
  • Consistently meet or exceed commitments.
  • Follow through on assignments to ensure successful completion – don’t lose interest before a project is completed.
  • Build commitment in others for their individual and team objectives.
  • Hold others accountable for achieving results.
  • Lead or champion efforts to increase productivity and goal accomplishment.
The role of Architecture in the organization affords us the ability to see what could be (vision), translate it into strategy and then oversee the tactical execution.

My advice to each of you is to passionately drive your vision through to reality. Recognize that more times than not, that will mean rolling up your sleeves and investing “sweat equity” to see a strategy all the way through!
Wrapping it Up...
Here are some ideas that other leaders identified on how to improve effectiveness in the Drives for Results competency.
  • Recognize and capitalize on opportunities.
  • Set and maintain high performance standards for self and others that support our companies strategic plan and holds self and other team members accountable for achieving results.
  • Try new things to reach challenging goals and persists until personal and team goals are achieved and commitments met.
  • Work to meet individual and company goals with positive regard, acknowledgment of, and cooperation with the achievement of others' goals.
  • Motivate others to translate ideas into actions and results.
As you make Drive for Results a focus continue to share your successes with the team for shared learning. Um, sounds like bullet #5 above in action!!

~ Stacy

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