Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Lesson of the 38 Candy Bars

During a pretty hard day last week, a colleague forwarded a tweet with the attached article. The name of the article lured me in - The Lesson of the 38 Candy Bars — and through reading, I was immediately reminded of the book Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff...and it’s all Small Stuff. Both the article and the book share such a simple message...

The book reminds me to appreciate the “small things”: a laugh on a concall, a “good job” when one isn’t expected, the joy in the words “thank you” and any outreach that is sincere and thoughtful. I believe it is the “little wonders” that piece together my hours, my days, my weeks...and create the collage of my life.

The article reminds me to stay strong, resilient, accountable, and authentic. It reminds me that I control my attitude and choose the person I bring to work day after day. I choose whether to roll with the punches or allow bad days to knock me out. I choose to look for possibilities or see only obstacles. In the end the joy is knowing I am in control.

Thanks for letting me share,


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