Saturday, November 8, 2008

Appreciate by Rachel Snyder

Every day of the year (not just as Thanksgiving!), appreciate everything you've been given-especially the chance to be a mother. consider yourself lucky, even during those times when baby is cranky and none of your clothes seem to fit.

Slow down for a second and appreciate a moment of silence. Be grateful for the stillness. Appreciate just how blessed you truly are--that you have friends and family you can count on, that your home is warm and your child is loved.

Appreciate the people who make your life a bit easier: your baby's day care provider, your pediatrician, kind strangers who hold open doors for you while you struggle to maneuver your little one's stroller. Find a way to show your thanks, even if it's as simple as a word.

Rachel Snyder lives in boulder, Colorado, and is the author of 365 Words of Well-Being for Women (Contemporary Books, 1997).

This was found in American Baby - November 98 edition.

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