Monday, July 13, 2009


The Tipping Point of a Great Leader What does the movie Coach Carter, the book The Tipping Point, and great leadership have in common?

Every Executive I work with wants to be a good, positive, and strong leader. When I ask them what they would like to change in order to make their life easier they often say things like, “it would be great if my team could think more independently to make the best decisions possible WITHOUT me involved!”

But how do you do that? In order to answer that all we need to do is look at the above question because the answer is right there.

One of the most fundamental and pivotal points of a great leader is one most people hate to take on. It is the one ingredient that makes a huge difference between great parents and just okay parents. It is what makes a team stick or fall apart. That one ingredient is consequences. It means that as a leader you have to have standards that you will NOT compromise no matter who is asking. It means that you have to follow up to make sure the standards are held up by all people. This can be very painful to do!

What I rarely see Executives do well is have direct consequences for poor behavior. In the movie Coach Carter each player had to sign a contract. The contract required them to have an average GPA of 2.3 while the state only required a 2.0, wear ties on game day, to participate in all classes and to sit in the front row.

The players thought these demands were not fair and the parents even stood up and said these are ridiculous standards, yet Coach Carter stayed firm. Even his boss, the school principal, thought he was being too “harsh.” They all thought his standards were too high because they weren’t the “average.” Coach Carter replied that “these are student players. The first word in there is student and that's what I expect them to be.”

Coach Carter took a job at Richman High School where only 50% of all students graduated and only six students out of every one hundred went on to college. That was a standard when he arrived. Parents, teachers and the school principal all told him that he was there to coach basketball and nothing more.

As an Executive you will often face people feeling you are unfair because your “standards” are too high. They will push you to lower them. And often, like in the case of Coach Carter, it could be your boss that tries to get you to lower those standards. When you have pressure like that it becomes even easier to let of your consequences for not following the standards. That is the first step to mediocrity.

In the book “The Tipping Point” Malcolm Gladwell proves over and over how ONE little thing can be the tipping point that sends a neighborhood to crime and violence. If one house has a window boarded up it is only a matter of time before crime creeps in to the neighborhood. Stopping the fare jumpers instead of going after the big criminals helped turn the subways around and reduced crime. So check your own scoreboard. What are your standards?

What are you willing to do to support those standards? What consequences will you FAIRLY and JUSTLY enforce to make sure ALL PLAYERS know the standards and follow them?

For this next month, challenge yourself to focus on ONE standard you would like to see followed in your company and set about implementing it in your company. Then just sit back and watch the positive ripple effect.

As the leading Outcome Strategist, Anne Warfield shows people how to present their ideas, products and services so people WANT to listen to you. Her communication formula is easy to apply and produces proven results. Fortune 500 companies around the world have utilized her expertise and her work is published around the world. She has been published in Business Week, Good Housekeeping, Forbes publications and has been featured on ABC, NBC and CBS. Anne speaks around the world about Outcome Focus™ Communication. To book Anne, contact her at 888-imp-9421 or check out her web site at Check out her website to take the communication quiz for yourself! Books can be purchased from or Barnes & Noble. You can also email us at

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Great Sticky Escape

Anne Warfield, knowing my love for reading, sent me a recommendation to read the latest Jim Collins book.

Admittedly, the pile of books on my dresser has grown over the past months and I haven’t been going through them as fast as I would like. So I merely wrote the name of the book down on a sticky and placed it on top of the stack.

One weekend while cleaning, I found the sticky. It had migrated from the top of the stack to the right side of the dresser. I moved it back to the top of the stack. Two weekends ago, as my youngest son walked out of my bedroom, I noticed something attached to his backside…It was my sticky note!

I took it as a sign. Bought the book, read the book and have spent the past two weeks thinking about the book.

I am not going to ruin it for you, but will share some of my margin notes:
· Leadership is not a position. It is not a title. It is not a club or committee. You don’t sign up for it. And contrary to popular belief, you can’t take a class on it. You live it. You believe it. You model it.
· Leaders are focused on “we” versus “I”. Leadership is about enabling others to achieve the noble goal. It truly is about shared responsibility and group wins.
· The big difference between leadership and management is the ability to promote a vision and bring a group together to believe in it in order to effectively execute it.
· Leaders are as comfortable following as they are leading. The best leaders I have known have sometimes pushed me forward or stepped back in order to move me forward.
· Leaders are not perfect. They have trying days and lose EQ like the rest of us. I am reminded that leadership isn’t about being perfect at all times. It is about how they act/react during the trying times.

Now, I’m going to do something a little different. Instead of sending you the book, I am including a sticky note on the page with the book’s name and author on it. If this book piques your interest, I would encourage you to purchase it. If your pile is too high, then add this sticky to your list/pile. Just be aware that it might try to pull of the Great Sticky Escape!

Thanks for letting me share,
