Thursday, October 17, 2024

Say No More to These 10 Common Phrases

When presenting, showing confidence is essential for building trust and engaging your audience. One way to enhance your credibility is by avoiding phrases that might unintentionally weaken your message.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve identified 10 common phrases I used to rely on in presentations. I’ve worked to eliminate these from my conversations, especially when presenting. Below are the phrases, why it’s helpful to avoid them, and what you can say instead to deliver your message with greater confidence and clarity:

  1. Avoid: "I think..."

    • Why: It can make your message seem uncertain. Research shows that speakers who express certainty are viewed as more authoritative and credible.
    • Say Instead: "I believe..." or "I’m confident that..."
  2. Avoid: "I’m sorry, but..."

    • Why: Over-apologizing can undermine your confidence. Studies show that unnecessary apologies can make a speaker seem less competent.
    • Say Instead: "I’d like to address..." or "Let’s consider..."
  3. Avoid: "I’ll try to..."

    • Why: It weakens your commitment. Assertive language builds trust and conveys determination, according to goal-setting research.
    • Say Instead: "I will..." or "I’m going to..."
  4. Avoid: "Does that make sense?"

    • Why: Asking this may signal self-doubt. Confident speakers are less likely to seek reassurance, and this can affect how others perceive your expertise.
    • Say Instead: "What are your thoughts on this?" or "Let me know if you have any questions."
  5. Avoid: "I’m not an expert, but..."

    • Why: It diminishes your authority. Studies show that downplaying your knowledge can cause doubt in your audience.
    • Say Instead: "Based on my experience..." or "In my research, I’ve found..."
  6. Avoid: "I’ll keep it short."

    • Why: This can suggest that your content isn’t important. Positive framing increases engagement and receptivity.
    • Say Instead: "Let’s dive into the key points."
  7. Avoid: "I’m just going to..."

    • Why: The word "just" can downplay the importance of what you’re about to say. Linguistic research shows that minimizing language weakens your statements.
    • Say Instead: "I’ll now..." or "Let’s move to..."
  8. Avoid: "This might be a stupid question, but..."

    • Why: It undermines your intelligence. Self-deprecating remarks can lower others’ perceptions of your competence.
    • Say Instead: "Here’s an important consideration..." or "Let’s explore this idea..."
  9. Avoid: "Hopefully..."

    • Why: It can signal a lack of control. Assertive language improves perceptions of confidence and competence.
    • Say Instead: "I expect..." or "I anticipate..."
  10. Avoid: "Bear with me..."

    • Why: It can make you seem unprepared. Confident speakers guide their audience without asking for leniency.
    • Say Instead: "Let’s move through this together..." or "We’ll take this step by step..."

By making small adjustments to your language, you can project more confidence and authority, ultimately making your presentations stronger and more impactful.

Happy Thursday all,


The Art of Public Speaking by Stephen Lucas
Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Incorporating Recognition into Our Day-to-Day Lives

As we continue to grow and achieve great things together, I want to take a moment to talk about something that's close to my heart: recognition. 

We all know how good it feels to be appreciated, but sometimes we get so caught up in our busy schedules that we forget to express that appreciation to others. I believe recognition isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s essential to our success and well-being. So, let's talk about how we can make recognition a natural part of our day-to-day lives.

Lead with Appreciation

It all starts with us. I’m committed to recognizing your hard work and contributions regularly. But it shouldn’t stop there—I encourage each of you to do the same. When you see a colleague doing something great, whether it’s delivering an exceptional project, lending a hand, or simply spreading positive energy, take a moment to acknowledge it. Let’s make it a habit to express our gratitude openly, whether in meetings, emails, or even a quick chat.

Create Moments for Recognition

Let’s make room for recognition in our daily routines. How about we start or end our meetings with a quick “gratitude round”? Each of us can share something we’re thankful for or recognize someone who’s gone the extra mile. It’s a simple way to set a positive tone and remind ourselves that every contribution matters.

Personal Reflection on Gratitude

I encourage each of you to consider keeping a gratitude journal. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy—just a place to jot down things you’re thankful for, including the support or teamwork you’ve experienced here. Reflecting on what we’re grateful for can help us stay grounded and focused on the positives, even on tough days.

Celebrating Together

Celebrating our wins is something we do well, but I want us to also celebrate the effort and collaboration that gets us there. Let’s recognize the journey, not just the destination. When we finish a big project or reach a milestone, let’s take the time to celebrate together, recognizing everyone’s contributions along the way.

Fostering a Positive Environment

Lastly, let’s commit to creating a positive environment where recognition and gratitude are a natural part of our culture. Encourage each other, give feedback with kindness, and let’s focus on the good we see in each other every day.

Recognition isn’t just about making others feel good—it’s about building a team where everyone feels valued, motivated, and supported. When we incorporate recognition into our daily lives, we create a stronger, more connected team. I’m excited to see how we can grow this culture of appreciation together.

Let’s make recognition a cornerstone of our culture!

Happy Thursday all,


Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Bronze Revelation: Discovering Lord Shiva After 40 Years

In 1981, my parents attended an art auction and came home with a striking bronze statue. It was intricately detailed, with features that left us marveling at its craftsmanship. My mom, believing it to be a Buddhist figure, proudly displayed it in our home, where it became a fixture in our lives. For years, we admired its mystique, never fully understanding what it represented.

Fast forward to recently, when I was describing the statue to one of my team members during a one on one. She, a developer on my team was celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi, the Hindu festival honoring Lord Ganesha. As I described the statue—its cobras draped around the figure, a scroll in one hand, and the character stepping on a little man with horns—she paused, intrigued.

“Does the figure have a moon on his head?” she asked.
“Yes, actually,” I replied.
“And is there something like a river flowing from his hair?”
I thought for a moment. “Yes, there is.”
“And what about the object in his hand—could it be a conch shell?”
This threw me for a loop. “I thought it was a fish,” I admitted.

That’s when it hit her. She smiled and said, “That’s Lord Shiva!”

The Significance of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva, often called "The Destroyer" in Hinduism’s divine trinity, plays a critical role in the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. But Shiva’s destruction isn’t negative—it’s transformative. He clears the path for new beginnings, embodying the power of change and regeneration.

The moon on Shiva’s head represents his control over time, while the river flowing from his hair is the Ganges, symbolizing the purifying flow of life. The cobras represent his mastery over death, and the conch shell is a sacred object in Hinduism, signifying the sound of creation. Even the little man with horns that Shiva steps on has meaning—he represents ignorance, which Shiva crushes underfoot.

The Perfect Timing: Ganesh Chaturthi

What made the discovery even more special was the timing. We were in the middle of Ganesh Chaturthi, the festival that celebrates Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Ganesha is Shiva’s son, and the festival is a joyous occasion where Hindus honor Ganesha's wisdom, asking for blessings to overcome life's challenges.

It felt almost serendipitous that, during a festival focused on Ganesha, we would uncover the true identity of a statue depicting his father, Shiva. The timing was nothing short of perfect.

A Deeper Understanding

This revelation wasn’t just about identifying the statue’s origins. It was a moment of connection between cultures, a reminder of how art, faith, and curiosity can bring people together. My developer, with her knowledge of Hindu traditions, helped me see something that had been right in front of me for decades but had gone unnoticed.

The statue, with all its rich symbolism, became more than just a beautiful piece of art. It became a doorway into understanding a faith that, while different from my own, carries universal themes of transformation, wisdom, and overcoming ignorance.

The Broader Lesson

This experience has reminded me that there’s always more to discover, not just about the world around us but about the things we think we already know. Whether it’s a piece of art, a tradition, or a belief system, there is always an opportunity to learn and grow, often in the most unexpected ways.

And now, every time I look at that statue of Lord Shiva, I’m reminded of the intricate connections between the stories, symbols, and wisdom that shape our lives—whether they come from Hinduism, Christianity, or any other faith. The statue is no longer just an object in our home but a symbol of discovery, shared understanding, and the beauty of life’s unexpected revelations.

Happy Thursday all,
